TX7316: The reason for the deterioration of the TX7316 transmission waveform
Part Number:TX7316 The previous TX7316 burned out due to a malfunction. At the same time, there were some faults in the ...
Part Number:TX7316 The previous TX7316 burned out due to a malfunction. At the same time, there were some faults in the ...
Part Number:TX7316 应该怎么配置 Cherry Zhou: 您好,您的问题我们需要升级到英文论坛看下,有答复尽快给到您。
Part Number:TX7316EVMOther Parts Discussed in Thread:TX7316 最近买了TX7316和TSW1400FPGA板,想请问一下,能否利用TSW1400来控制TX7316脉冲信号的发射,接收...
Part Number:TX7316EVMOther Parts Discussed in Thread:TX7316, TX7516, TX7332 如果我想激励中心频率为40M的超声换能器,TI有没有其他的TX7316的可替代产品来完成...
Part Number:TX7316EVMOther Parts Discussed in Thread:TX7316 使用换能器的中心频率在45MHz,请问一下TX7316评估板可以使用吗?激励电路能否激励那么高频率的换能器呢?谢谢 Am...
Part Number:TX7316EVMOther Parts Discussed in Thread: TX7316 Can TX7316EVM output asymmetrical waveforms as in the left ...
有没有TX7332 TX7316和详细数据手册 xyz549040622: 确实什么也没有,资料一片空白,提示购买也没有货,要么是对国内禁用,要么就是即将淘汰,不支持使用了,建议换芯片。 Amy Luo: 您好, 关于TX7332 和TX7...