TPS61378-Q1: Convex plate on SW
Part Number:TPS61378-Q1 Below is the schematic that used TPS61378-Q1 as the regulator to output 5V. The input voltage is...
Part Number:TPS61378-Q1 Below is the schematic that used TPS61378-Q1 as the regulator to output 5V. The input voltage is...
Part Number:TPS61378-Q1 Below is the schematic that used TPS61378-Q1 as the regulator to output 5V. The input voltage is...
Part Number:TPS61378-Q1 12.6V转15V,启动时只能带300mA负载,启动后带载基本正常: 原理图如下: PCB如下,10层板: 当电子负载加大到400mA,启动时,输入波开,VCCOUT,VO都不正常。处于打隔模...