TDA4VM: TDA4 RTOS SDK how to use pwm int r5f
Part Number:TDA4VM I want to generate two PWM with the same origin but different phases PWM A is 2000Hz, and PWM B is 20...
Part Number:TDA4VM I want to generate two PWM with the same origin but different phases PWM A is 2000Hz, and PWM B is 20...
Part Number:PROCESSOR-SDK-J721S2 您好, 我们现在 J721S2 RTOS 上做了如下操作: 1、配置好 spi 一些 configuration 和 handle 以及 callbackFxn; 2、先单独...
Part Number:CC1352R 您好: 报错如图: 固件由SDK例程修改,main函数里建立一个pthread,然后建立task MySCIProcess,task里面是与SCS相关的运行代码如下: 如果再添加别的phread时,i...