Type-C PD with USB3 data transmission
We are designing a usb3 hub with PD power output. We are looking for a simple and effective solution to solve the proble...
We are designing a usb3 hub with PD power output. We are looking for a simple and effective solution to solve the proble...
Part Number: 各位老师: 使用了贵司运放搭建了积分电路对光电二极管输出电流信号进行积分处理,PD为光伏模式零偏置连接,运放电源轨使用了±3V,积分电容暂且用了10pF,Vo=Id×t/C,基...
Part Number:TPS23754 Hello: I have some questions need to be comfirm,Please refer to the attachment for the problem. TPS...
Part Number:TPS65988 Hi TI maters, Our product is based on ARM (Qualcomm 865), Android 10;which use TPS65988 as PD solut...
最近计划使用Type-C接口, 电池充电使用PD快充, 请问BQ25700 怎样与 Type-C 管理芯片一起实现双向充电的功能呢? 有没有现成的方案可选? 谢谢. Star Xu: www.ti.com/…/TIDA-0152...
现在有一款PD设备,需要隔离电源。 输出电压额定3.3V,输出电流<500mA。 电路板很小,要求电源部分越小越好,不要任何散热设备,电路越简单越好。 能给推荐一下满足要求的芯片和电路么,谢谢。 Coffee Ge73: 这个方案你可...