THS4303—–Why is there a big difference between the simulated voltage in ADS and the test voltage?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread:THS4303 I downloaded the THS4303spice model, and connected the components in ADS to simu...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread:THS4303 I downloaded the THS4303spice model, and connected the components in ADS to simu...
各位大侠, 我在使用OPA549做功放,±12V供电,输入正弦波1.7V想输出5V/1A,电路按照数据手册上画的,现在是一开机就电流没有输出,而且输出引脚是10V的直流电压, E/S引脚悬空,这个不知道怎么回事? 还有一个疑问...
您好,双电电源放大器做电压跟随器,当供电分别为+12V和-12V、 +12V和-5V、 正12V和0V、 正12V和6V,输入电压为+8V时候,输出电压是多少呢?输出电压的参考地是正负电源和的一半吗? 如果作为正比例运算放大器...