LMX2572: VCO direct output,channel divider couldn't be powered down
Part Number:LMX2572 When I was using CPLD to configure LMX2572, I encountered the following problem: I was able to switc...
Part Number:LMX2572 When I was using CPLD to configure LMX2572, I encountered the following problem: I was able to switc...
Part Number:LMX2572 When I was using CPLD to configure LMX2572, I encountered the following problem: I was able to switc...
Part Number:LMX2572 When I was using CPLD to configure LMX2572, I encountered the following problem: I was able to switc...
Part Number:LMX2594EVMOther Parts Discussed in Thread:PLLATINUMSIM-SW 现象是分母用最大,很多频点会出现跑动的杂散,有些频点又不会出现,该怎么去消除。如果需要通过改变分母,...
Part Number:DS90UB964-Q1 您好,我目前使用的方案是964配对933,4个lane,用CSI0接口输出,接了2个摄像头,目前读964的0x4d是已经lock上的,但是964目前无法输出。 我的配置如下: ds90ub9...
Part Number:LMK04828-EPOther Parts Discussed in Thread:LMK04828 您好! 问题1:我使用LMK04828直接分频功能,配置见下表, HexRegisterValues_800in...
Part Number:DS90UB941AS-Q1 您好,我们需要将dsi信号通过串行器和解串器输出lvds信号给屏幕,由于在linux平台下进行,暂时先通过 i2c-tools 在终端命令行手动设置寄存器进行调试。 1. 不是很清楚简单...
Part Number:TCAN4550-Q1Other Parts Discussed in Thread:TCAN4551-Q1, Hi team, 我们正在选型一款CAN FD功能的controller,有以下两个问题 1.TCAN4...
你好: 麻烦推荐三款 TI 合适的物料,谢谢!!! 1、万兆网(5G)转换芯片:8pin;一个万兆网口(PCle Gen 32L口转出)PoE PSE,802.3af Class 3R45with lights,带螺丝 2、千兆网接口芯片:...
Part Number:DS90UB960-Q1Other Parts Discussed in Thread:ALP 只有/dev/video0可以取到画面,重影画面如下,看起来是4个画面叠加的结果 读取了 CSI_VC_MAP Regi...