在TI官网下载的pspice模型,我在candence pspice导入lib文件时,提示:'C:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\tools\capture\library\pspice\DAC8411_PAR.lib' is not a valid library file.
Kailyn Chen:
按照下面这个步骤试试:In order to open this project in PSpice, please open up "Design Entry CIS" from your directory where you have installed Cadence Allegro PSpice. This will open the Schematic Capture tool for you. Next go to menu bar on the top and click on "File" –> "Open" –> "Project…". You will get a popup. From here, navigate to the unzipped model folder and point to the .OPJ file, then click on the "Open" button. This should open the PSpice project for you. This project will contain an application schematic along with the model and simulation profiles all ready to go, so all you have to do at this point is hit the "Run PSpice" button. Alternately, you can go to the menu on the top, click on "PSpice" –> "Run". The third alternate is to use the keyboard shortcut "F11" to run the simulation.
guizhou lei:
回复 Kailyn Chen:
Hi Kailyn,
从官网上下载后是lib文件,并非opj文件,这个lib库导入不进去Design Entry CIS中,会提示not a valid library file.