Sean(MLP) Zhou:
hi,你这里的意思是负端输入大于200mV时, 你想输出高电平?这样的话应该将输入正负端对调啊?我有点不太明白你的问题
xing fang:
回复 Sean(MLP) Zhou:
Sean(MLP) Zhou:
回复 xing fang:
hi ,
xing fang:
回复 Sean(MLP) Zhou:
Kailyn Chen:
回复 xing fang:
也就是说LM393的Vin+为427mV,V-为200mV对吧?这样的话,V+ 和V- 都在输入共模电压范围内,但是V+>V-,输出应该为高阻态。所以达不到您所说的高电平。LM393是一款开漏输出的比较器,因此输出需要上拉才能输出高电平。 对于应用的集中情况,datasheet中有列出:1. When both IN- and IN+ are both within the common-mode range:
a. If IN- is higher than IN+ and the offset voltage, the output is low and the output transistor is sinking
b. If IN- is lower than IN+ and the offset voltage, the output is high impedance and the output transistor is
not conducting
2. When IN- is higher than common-mode and IN+ is within common-mode, the output is low and the output
transistor is sinking current
3. When IN+ is higher than common-mode and IN- is within common-mode, the output is high impedance and
the output transistor is not conducting
4. When IN- and IN+ are both higher than common-mode, the output is low and the output transistor is sinking current。
xing fang:
回复 Kailyn Chen: