
C6678 FFT疑问

我使用C6678的 dsplib库 计算浮点FFT ,打算调用DSPF_SP_fftSP*SP 函数 可是对其中的几个参数不清楚到底是什么意思 该怎么设置 

brev,n_min,offset,n_max 请专家解答下   

yuanwen dong:





N length of FFT in complex samples ptr_x pointer to complex data input ptr_w pointer to complex twiddle factor ptr_y pointer to complex output data brev pointer to bit reverse table containing 64 entries n_min should be 4 if N can be represented as Power of 4 else, n_min should be 2 offset index in complex samples of sub-fft from start of main fft n_max size of main fft in complex samples

Algorithm:DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_cn.c is the natural C equivalent of the optimized linear assembly code without restrictions. Note that the linear assembly code is optimized and restrictions may apply.

Assumptions:N needs to be power of 2 8 <= N <= 131072 Arrays pointed by ptr_x, ptr_w, and ptr_y should not overlap Arrays pointed by ptr_x, ptr_w, and ptr_y should align on the double words boundary

Implementation Notes:Interruptibility: The code is interrupt-tolerant but not interruptible. Endian Support: The code supports both big and little endian modes


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