
mcsdk_video_2_1_0_8中transcode 例程TFTP下载文件错误

大家好,我碰到一个问题。我在C6678EVM跑mcsdk_video_2_1_0_8自带的transcode example 时,发现TFTP 无法下载文件。我已经关闭防火墙、PC和C6678EVM直接连接。具体显示如下:

[C66xx_0] Read tftp config file

Starting TFTP Get for airshow.264… Error receive from server!

Creating Decoder Algorithm Instance…Num. buffs requested = 23algAlloc req. Buffer 0: space = 17, size = 4840algAlloc req. Buffer 1: space = 0, size = 8840algAlloc req. Buffer 2: space = 0, size = 78184algAlloc req. Buffer 3: space = 0, size = 8992algAlloc req. Buffer 4: space = 17, size = 8664algAlloc req. Buffer 5: space = 17, size = 176algAlloc req. Buffer 6: space = 17, size = 144algAlloc req. Buffer 7: space = 17, size = 4420algAlloc req. Buffer 8: space = 17, size = 24algAlloc req. Buffer 9: space = 17, size = 1860480algAlloc req. Buffer 10: space = 17, size = 15079680algAlloc req. Buffer 11: space = 17, size = 1966080algAlloc req. Buffer 12: space = 17, size = 136algAlloc req. Buffer 13: space = 17, size = 144algAlloc req. Buffer 14: space = 17, size = 8840algAlloc req. Buffer 15: space = 17, size = 544algAlloc req. Buffer 16: space = 17, size = 540algAlloc req. Buffer 17: space = 17, size = 264algAlloc req. Buffer 18: space = 17, size = 12672algAlloc req. Buffer 19: space = 17, size = 74880algAlloc req. Buffer 20: space = 17, size = 110592algAlloc req. Buffer 21: space = 17, size = 8160algAlloc req. Buffer 22: space = 17, size = 116

Algorithm Instance Creation Done…
Num. buffs requested = 13algAlloc req. Buffer 0: space = 17, size = 1664algAlloc req. Buffer 1: space = 0, size = 261376algAlloc req. Buffer 2: space = 17, size = 327680algAlloc req. Buffer 3: space = 17, size = 4480algAlloc req. Buffer 4: space = 17, size = 5888algAlloc req. Buffer 5: space = 17, size = 6144algAlloc req. Buffer 6: space = 17, size = 8192algAlloc req. Buffer 7: space = 17, size = 65536algAlloc req. Buffer 8: space = 17, size = 8448algAlloc req. Buffer 9: space = 17, size = 6983680algAlloc req. Buffer 10: space = 17, size = 554880algAlloc req. Buffer 11: space = 17, size = 142848algAlloc req. Buffer 12: space = 17, size = 32640

Encoder Algorithm Instance Creation Done…

Bitstream Ended…TFTP Get stopped.TFTP Statistics——————-+
| RX Bytes : 0 |
| TX Bytes : 0 |
| Valid Packets : 0 |
| Duplicate Packets : 0 |
| Error Packets : 0 |

TFTP Put stopped.TFTP Statistics——————-+
| RX Bytes : 0 |
| TX Bytes : 0 |
| Valid Packets : 0 |
| Duplicate Packets : 0 |
| Error Packets : 0 |

————– SUMMARY ——————–
Total number of Frames = 1
Decoder Bit Rate at 30 frames/Sec = 0 Kbps
Encoder Bit Rate at 30 frames/Sec = 0 Kbps
————– END ——————–

End of execution
End of Program



lei chen11:

回复 Allen35065:


未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » mcsdk_video_2_1_0_8中transcode 例程TFTP下载文件错误
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