你好, 花好了几天, 试了许多Boot方法, 都无法启动C6657 双核心.
两核心都是使用相同的程序代码, 依不同Core执行各自程序代码, 此程序已在Debug下验证过了.
int main(void) {Uint32 coreNum = 0xFFFF; coreNum = CSL_chipReadReg (CSL_CHIP_DNUM);if (coreNum == 0){func1(); // send UART message}else{func2();} }
目前有效启动C6657的方式是将Myproj\Debug\app.bin (675kB)
再利用program_evm将程序代码写入I2C EEPROM及Nor Flash
> %DSS_SCRIPT_DIR%/dss.bat program_evm.js tmdsevm6657ls-le
设定I2C Boot
SW3 (off off on off on on on on) SW5 (on on on off on on on on) SW9 (on on)
可以利用UART确定core 0结果正确, 再将两Core所要执行程序代码互换, Core1所要列出之UART并无法输出,表示core1无法启动或有设定有错.
Q.想请教要如何启动Core1或所需要之设定? 是否可以修改IBL使得启动Core 0及Core1.
Lin Jia-Hung:
回复 Allen35065:
你好, 你的回答有效解决我的问题
并参考了程序代码 https://github.com/sfwa/fcs/blob/master/fcs/hardware/core/c6657.c
在Core0程序上加入Magic Address以及发送IPC, 可以启动C6657 Core 1
if (coreNum == 0) {CSL_BootCfgUnlockKicker();// IPC generation/*Start booting core 1:- Copy all code/data in CorePac 0 L2 to CorePac 1 L2- Populate BOOT_MAGIC_ADDRESS for CorePac 1, which should be the same asfor CorePac 0.- Send an IPC interrupt to CorePac 1 (IPCGR1.IPCG) to wake it up.*/memcpy((uint8_t*)GLOBAL_FROM_CORE_L2_ADDRESS(1u, 0x00800000u),(uint8_t*)0x00800000u,0x000F0000u);/*0x008FFFFCu is the boot magic address for the local core (it's at the endof L2 SRAM). Here, we convert that local address for CorePac 1's L2 SRAMto a global address, then copy the value of CorePac 0's boot magic addressto it.*/*(volatile uint32_t*)(GLOBAL_FROM_CORE_L2_ADDRESS(1u, 0x008FFFFCu)) =(uint32_t)_c_int00;/*IPCGRn: IPC Generation Registers (section 3.3.12 in SPRS814A)BitFieldValueDescription31:4SRCSx0Interrupt source indication3:1Reserved0IPCG0Generate an IPC interrupt0 = no interrupt1 = generate an interruptSending this interrupt wakes CorePac 1 up.*/hBootCfg->IPCGR[1] |= 0x1u;/* Just in case the above is wrong */*(volatile uint32_t*)0x02620244 |= 0x1u;CSL_BootCfgLockKicker(); }谢谢