如题,在通过qmss向外发包的时候,descriptor 中的ps_flag字段一共有四位,其中
3——–RX_PASS_CRC Receive pass CRC.
0 = The packet does not contain a CRC. The CRC should be generated by the MAC module.
1 = The packet already contains a CRC. The CRC should not be generated by the MAC module.
2-0 —-TO_PORT Directed packet to port. Setting these bits to a non-zero value indicates that the packet is a directed packet. Packets with the these bits set will bypass the ALE and send the packet directly to the port indicated.
0 = No effect
1 = Send packet to GbE switch port 1
2 = Send packet to GbE switch port 2
当我把ps_flag字段设置成2,即TO_PORT = 2,通过GbE switch port 2发送报文,对端能正常收到数据包。
可是当我把ps_flag 字段设置成10,即TO_PORT = 2,RX_PASS_CRC = 1(不需要MAC进行CRC校验),此时,数据不能正常收发到对端
Ryan BL:
xxx 我的更奇怪,RX_PASS_CRC=0, 却没有CRC。