我·用ccs加载bootloader的out文件,如果把lds文件配成OCMCRAM : o = 0x40300000, l = 0x00040000,是可以加载的,程序可以在ram中跑,但如果改成
OCMCRAM : o = 0x402F4000, l = 0x00040000,就load program failed,但是按文档上bootloader的加载地址应该就是0x402F4000,请问是哪里出错了?
Jian Zhou:
我看您在之前的帖子也问了这个问题,根据TRM的说明,检查下您板子的启动模式是否有USB MS启动模式: Downloaded Image (ISW)This area is used by the Public ROM Code to store the downloaded Initial SW. The downloaded imagecan be up to 271KB on GP Device. It resides from 0x402F4000 (0x402F0400 for PG1.1) to 0x40337C00in GP device.Note: If ROM boots using USB_MS boot mode, then the image can reside only from 0x40300000. Thislimits the maximum image size while using USB_MS boot mode to 220KB.
yuanyuan liu1:
回复 Jian Zhou:
还是不对,我板子上用拨码选择的串口启动模式,ccs工程也编译的是uart boot debug,而且我又尝试改了一下地址,改成OCMCRAM : o = 0x402F8000, l = 0x00040000,也是可以load program的,并不是必须从 0x40300000开始的, 但是改成0x402F4000到0x402F7FF0之间的地址都会load失败