CAPTURE ERROR: Could not detect video at tvp instace 1!!!
CAPTURE ERROR: Could not detect video at tvp instace 2!!!
CAPTURE ERROR: Could not detect video at tvp instace 3!!!
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 18
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 18
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 18
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 8
regValue[0] = 7e , regValue[1] = 80
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 38
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 38
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 38
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 38
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 18
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 18
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 18
regValue[0] = 7e , regValue[1] = a0
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 38
regValue[0] = 10 , regValue[1] = 38
Leon Yu:
1.tvp5158是4通道decoder,首先你要选择正确的通道去读相应的状态。比如你想知道2通道的状态,你应该先写0x02到register 0xff,然后再读register 0x00,bit1,bit2都为1就应该锁住信号了。
sheng zhou:
回复 Leon Yu:
Int32 Device_tvp5158GetVideoStatus ( Device_Tvp5158Obj * pObj, VCAP_VIDEO_SOURCE_STATUS_PARAMS_S * pPrm, VCAP_VIDEO_SOURCE_CH_STATUS_S * pStatus ){ Int32 status = 0; Device_VideoDecoderCreateParams *pCreateArgs; UInt8 regAddr[8]; UInt8 regValue[8]; UInt8 numRegs; UInt32 devId, chId, std;
if ( pStatus == NULL || pPrm == NULL ) return -1;
memset ( pStatus, 0, sizeof ( *pStatus ) );
pCreateArgs = &pObj->createArgs;
/* * Identify channel/core number and device number from channelNum */ devId = pPrm->channelNum / DEVICE_TVP5158_CH_PER_DEVICE_MAX; chId = pPrm->channelNum % DEVICE_TVP5158_CH_PER_DEVICE_MAX;
/* There can be at max 2 TVP5158 devices per port */ if ( devId >= DEVICE_TVP5158_DEV_MAX ) return -1;
numRegs = 0;
/* * select appropiate core */ regAddr[numRegs] = DEVICE_TVP5158_REG_DEC_RD_EN; regValue[numRegs] = 1 << chId; numRegs++;
status = OSA_i2cWrite8 (&gDevice_tvp5158CommonObj.i2cHandle, pCreateArgs->deviceI2cAddr[pObj->instId], regAddr, regValue, numRegs);
if ( status < 0 ) return -1;
/* * read status */
numRegs = 0;
regAddr[numRegs] = DEVICE_TVP5158_REG_STATUS_1; regValue[numRegs] = 0; numRegs++;
regAddr[numRegs] = DEVICE_TVP5158_REG_STATUS_2; regValue[numRegs] = 0; numRegs++;
regAddr[numRegs] = DEVICE_TVP5158_REG_VID_STD_STATUS; regValue[numRegs] = 0; numRegs++;
status = OSA_i2cRead8 (&gDevice_tvp5158CommonObj.i2cHandle, pCreateArgs->deviceI2cAddr[pObj->instId], regAddr, regValue, numRegs);
if ( status < 0 ) return -1;
if ( ( regValue[0] & DEVICE_TVP5158_HSYNC_LOCKED ) && ( regValue[0] & DEVICE_TVP5158_VSYNC_LOCKED ) && ( regValue[1] & DEVICE_TVP5158_SIGNAL_DETECT ) ) { pStatus->isVideoDetect = TRUE; }
if ( pStatus->isVideoDetect ) { /* * since input to TVP5158 is always interlaced */ pStatus->isInterlaced = TRUE;
/* * 60Hz, i.e 16.667msec per field */ pStatus->frameInterval = 16667;
if ( ( regValue[0] & DEVICE_TVP5158_SIGNAL_60HZ ) ) /* is 50Hz or 60Hz ? */ { /* * 50Hz, i.e 20msec per field */ pStatus->frameInterval = 20000; }
/* * frame width is always 720 pixels */ pStatus->frameWidth = DEVICE_TVP5158_NTSC_PAL_WIDTH; pStatus->frameHeight = 0;
std = ( regValue[2] & DEVICE_TVP5158_VID_STD_MASK ); /* video standard */
if ( std == DEVICE_TVP5158_VID_STD_PAL_BDGHIN /* PAL (B,D,G,H,I,N) */ || std == DEVICE_TVP5158_VID_STD_PAL_M /* PAL (M) */ || std == DEVICE_TVP5158_VID_STD_PAL_COMB_N /* PAL (Combination-N) */ || std == DEVICE_TVP5158_VID_STD_PAL_60 /* PAL 60 */ ) { /* * PAL standard */ pStatus->frameHeight = DEVICE_TVP5158_PAL_HEIGHT; } if ( std == DEVICE_TVP5158_VID_STD_NTSC_MJ /* NTSC (M,J) */ || std == DEVICE_TVP5158_VID_STD_NTSC_4_43 /* NTSC 4.43 */ ) { /* * NTSC standard */ pStatus->frameHeight = DEVICE_TVP5158_NTSC_HEIGHT; } }
return status;}
Leon Yu:
回复 sheng zhou:
信号检测和后端没有任何关系,和输出也没有关系。如果只接一路,只有该路的core能锁住信号,也就是我让你在读之前,先要选择对应的core(register 0xFF)。
Leon Yu:
回复 Leon Yu:
sheng zhou:
回复 Leon Yu:
CAPTURE ERROR: Could not detect video at tvp instace 0!!!
CAPTURE ERROR: Could not detect video at tvp instace 1!!!
CAPTURE ERROR: Could not detect video at tvp instace 2!!!
CAPTURE ERROR: Could not detect video at tvp instace 3!!!
Jhon Woo:
Leon Yu:
回复 Jhon Woo:
Jhon Woo:
回复 Leon Yu:
Leon Yu:
回复 Jhon Woo:
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