请问tiled memory是什么意义,和non-tiled memory有什么区别?
Eason Wang:
回复 Eason Wang:
如果不旋转图像,是不是tiled 模式和 no tiled模式效果是一样的呢?
如果来实现图像的旋转呢 ?
Eason Wang:
回复 Toread:
如果不旋转图像,是不是tiled 模式和 no tiled模式效果是一样的呢?
如果来实现图像的旋转呢 ?
The TILER is a submodule within the DMM aimed at efficient handling of two dimensional data, such asvideo/graphics accesses for HDVICP2, by the use of tiled format.• optionally managing the memory fragmentation and zero-copy physical frame buffers swappingthrough a page-grained translation• making on-the-fly, zero overhead transforms, such as 90°, 180°, or 270° rotations, with either ahorizontal or vertical reflection