
ez5535的 usb_cdc_examble 虚拟串口示例程序,运行失败。


USB Interrupt Test!!
CSL CDC Module Open Successful
CSL CDC Module Open Successful
USB Suspend failed—–(USB 挂起失败)






Connect the C5535/15/17 EVM with a PC via USB cable
Open the CCS and connect the target (C5535/C5515/C5517 EVM)
Open, build and load the USB program to the target
Set the PLL frequency to 100MHz
Run the program loaded on to the target
Install the inf file for the USB device (Only when running for first time)
After the proper USB enumeration, check the Control Panel–>System–>Hardware–> Device Manager–>Ports (COM & LPT) looking for C5515_CDC_ACM_device. A COM port will be assigned to the CDC ACM device, says COM16
Run the HyperTerminal. Create a new connection to COM16
Configure the new connection to the desired baud rate, parity, number of bits etc.
The test program is acting as an echo device, whatever you input in the HyperTerminal, it will be echo them back. The user input to the HyperTerminal will be sent to the C5515 EVM via CSL_CDC_BULK_OUT_EP (EP2 OUT) and the data output from C5515 EVM to the will be sent to HyperTerminal via USB CSL_CDC_BULK_IN_EP (EP3 IN). You can change the actual port number in csl_cdc.h
Repeat the test at the following PLL frequencies C5515: 60MHz and 100MHz C5517: 60MHz, 100MHz, 150MHz and 200MHz C5535 eZdsp: 60MHz and 100MHz
Repeat the test in Release mode

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