
Linux/CC2564MODn: How to use LinuxSPPLE_PM of Bluetopia stack with CC2564 connect with my phone app(TruthBlue)

I have a question about LinuxSPPLE_PM of CC2564 with AM5728

I want to use LinuxSPPLE_PM of Bluetopia stack with CC2564 connect with my phone app(LightBlue_1.1.2)  like this processors.wiki.ti.com/…/CC256x_TI_Bluetooth_Stack_SPPLEDemo_App

Now I can open my cc2564 device , Then I started broadcasting

But I can't find bluetooth service on my phone。

My question is as follows:

1 how can I find SPP services on my mobile phone?

2 How can I define my service and communicate with my mobile phone?

Viki Shi:


ziquan shi:

回复 Viki Shi:

你好,非常感谢你的回答,我已经按照你给的链接进行操作了,我现在的需求是用cc2564b作为从机提供服务,然后用手机能够链接通信,我使用的主控芯片是am5728使用的蓝牙芯片是cc2564modn具体的芯片型号是cc2564b 但是在操作的过程有以下几个问题:1 我使用LinuxGATM_SRV程序,在执行StartAdvertising 操作执行 StartAdvertising0x1360用手机搜索不到该服务2 我也使用了HRP Demo然后去搜索一个具有心率服务的设备(可以用手机连接该设备),发现只能搜索到该设备,但是连接不成功(按照官网例程的命令进行连接)3 在官网的例程中,我没有发现该如何自定义蓝牙服务的案例,我该如何自定义ble通信服务?再次感谢

ziquan shi:

回复 ziquan shi:


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