CC2530的TIMAC实现了CSMA,请问CC1310 15.4 stack中有实现CSMA吗?正在选型433的方案,了解下
Alvin Chen:
可以在 config.h 中适当的调节backoff exponents inside,来更好防止碰撞。
Viki Shi:
The IEEE 802.15.4 specification defines beacon-enabled mode of operation where the personal area network (PAN) coordinator device transmits periodic beacons to indicate its presence and allows other devices to perform PAN discovery and synchronization. The beacons provide beacon-related information and also mark the start of the new superframe. The beacon has information on the superframe specification, which helps the device intending to join the network to synchronize timing- and network- related parameters before starting the join process. The beacon helps the existing device in the PAN to maintain the network synchronization. The superframe is divided into an active and an inactive period. During the active period, devices communicate using the CSMA/CA procedure except in 863MHz band where LBT is used for channel access. The inactive period allows the devices in the network to conserve energy.
可以参考这边了解详情:…/TI 15.4-Stack Overview.html