请教一下大家, 我们在做一个小产品, 有一个主机, 首先要通过ZigBee获取和控制终端,其次是要通过WiFi和外界交互。 但是两个都是2.4G, 会存在干扰。
1、分时去使用2530 和 3200, 但2530 要一直处于接收状态 去响应终端请求, 3200也是需要处于接收状态 去看手机端有没有请求。。
2、让ZigBee 和 WiFi 用2.4G 不同的信道。 我ZigBee用的是ZStack-CC2530-2.5.1a, 好像z-stack 好像自己就会去扫描信道,去选择合适信道。 但好像也受到了 干扰
Susan Yang:
借鉴一下TI E2E 给出的答案
The WiFi has collision avoidance mechanism that is used to avoid interference. There are already multiple products operating in the same band without any coexistence issues. The air interface takes care of that. However simultaneous transmission in the same channel would cause issue and would ask for re-transmission. WiFi protocol would automatically perform a re-transmission in case of a missed packet. So this is already taken care.