user6057348:我照着一个视频教程,修改user_j1.h,build project正常,然后debug,请问为什么expressions没有显示结果出来,视频中是有的,
Susan Yang:请问能给出视频地址吗?您是否有使用Add new expressions 将其添加进去?看您的截图是没有发现
回复 Susan Yang:
没有使用,请问这个add new expressions如何使用
回复 Susan Yang:
K Mr:一定要把Add new expressions 这个选项加进去
user6057348:Select the scripting tool, from the debugger menu “View->Scripting Console”.
The scripting console window will appear somewhere in the debugger.
Open the script by clicking the icon that is in the upper right corner of the scripting tool.
Select the file “sw\solutions\instaspin_foc\src\proj_lab02a.js”.
The appropriate motor variables are now automatically populated into the watch window.
The variables should look like below
o Note the number format.
o For example, if “gMotorVars.Flag_enableSys” is displayed as a character, right-mouse
click on it and select “Number Format -> Decimal”
o For the “Q-Value(24)” format, after right-mouse clicking on the value select “Q-Values-
>Q-Value(24)” from the pop-up menu
Susan Yang:
回复 user6057348: