
zigbee 3.0.1 channel受干擾切換


我修改bdb  lost parent行為 讓enddevice能像之前版本一樣發出orphan notificaton

但我不知如何修改coordinator 發出 Coordinator realignment讓enddevice rejoin


Viki Shi:

If the decision is for orphaned device alignment, orphan scan is performed. During the orphan scan, the MAC sublayer shall discard all frames received over the PHY data service that are not coordinator realignment MAC command frames. For each logical channel over a specified set of logical channels, the device sends an orphan notification command. The device shall then enable its receiver for at most aResponseWaitTime symbols. If the device successfully receives a coordinator realignment command within this time, the device shall disable its receiver

If a coordinator receives the orphan notification command, it searches its device list for the device sending the command. If the coordinator finds a record of the device, it shall send a coordinator realignment command to the orphaned device. Otherwise, it shall ignore the packet. The orphan scan terminates when the device receives a coordinator realignment command or the specified set of logical channels has been scanned.

简单说就是终端断网后,发送Orphan Notification给协调器,协调器收到了会回复Coordinate Realignment,表示连接还在

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回复 Viki Shi:

zstack3.0.1似乎沒有coordinator 回覆coordinator realignment的行為

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查文章時有看到Jason B回了一篇
With the ZigBee 3.0 specification, that particular logic as well as any definition for what happens with a parent-loss case was removed, so until the ZigBee Alliance defines another method of handling this case we decided to move parent-loss handling to the application. As mentioned before, the provided sample applications demonstrate a simple method of handling parent loss, under the handling for BDB_COMMISSIONING_PARENT_LOST. This eventually ends up calling the API bdb_ZedAttemptRecoverNwk();

I believe that what currently happens when an end device loses its parent is an orphan notification is sent out, the end device will send a single beacon request, and then the application should receive the BDB_COMMISSIONING_PARENT_LOST message. If the application does not handle this message, the device will stall.

Another thing I should mention is that coordinator realignment has been deprecated/removed as well, so rejoining devices will always do a regular rejoin instead
所以改用Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a了

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