
关于bdb_FindingAndBinding.c中的bdb_ZclType1Clusters[] 和 bdb_ZclType2Clusters[]分类疑惑

bdb_ZclType1Clusters[] 和 bdb_ZclType2Clusters[]存放了不同的Cluster,请问是按照什么规则区分的?

Alvin Chen:

还是要以ZCL V6为准。 请参照 ZCL v6 specification, the Base Device Behavior v1.0 specification,he Zigbee Application Architecture v1.0 specification。 如果有什么不对的,希望各位给予指出,互相学习。

one Man:

回复 Alvin Chen:

请问有Zigbee Application Architecture v1.0 specification文档的下载链接吗?

one Man:

回复 one Man:

Type 1 Cluster: A type 1 cluster’s primary function is to initiate transactions from the client to the server.
Type 2 Cluster: A type 2 cluster’s primary function is to initiate transactions from the server to the client.
这两段话是在ZCL v6 specification看到的

one Man:

回复 Alvin Chen:

Dear Alvin Chen

Alvin Chen:

回复 one Man:

The finding and binding procedure can be performed as initiator, target, or both, depending on the clusters that theendpoint performing the Finding and Binding procedure has. This means that if an endpoint has a cluster that ismeant to be initiator, the finding and binding process for this endpoint will be executed as initiator. The definitionsfor initiator or target on clusters can be found in ZigBee ZCL specification [5].The application must specify with which endpoint it wants to perform the finding and binding procedure by callingbdb_SetIdentifyActiveEndpoint().

可以见Z-Stack 3.0 Developer's Guide.pdf中的15.7 Finding and Binding.

一边作为一个server和client 可以详细见下面的解释,如果只想做绑定可以不去关注他,直接用 ZDP_BindReq()也是可以的。

至于那些文档都是可以在zigbee alliance下载的。

one Man:

回复 Alvin Chen:


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