cc2630 zstack home 没有像cc2530协议栈那种可以随时更改时间的定时器吗?
YiKai Chen:
Susan Yang:
/********************************************************************** @fnosal_start_timerEx** @brief**This function is called to start a timer to expire in n mSecs.*When the timer expires, the calling task will get the specified event.** @paramuint8 taskID - task id to set timer for* @paramuint16 event_id - event to be notified with* @paramUNINT16 timeout_value - in milliseconds.** @returnSUCCESS, or NO_TIMER_AVAIL.*/ uint8 osal_start_timerEx( uint8 taskID, uint16 event_id, uint16 timeout_value ) {halIntState_t intState;osalTimerRec_t *newTimer;1.HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );// Hold off interrupts.// Add timer2.newTimer = osalAddTimer( taskID, event_id, timeout_value );3.HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );// Re-enable interrupts.return ( (newTimer != NULL) ? SUCCESS : NO_TIMER_AVAIL ); }