请问CC3200MOD 有专门的烧录和调试硬件吗?
endy mati:
回复 Yue TANG:
我刚刚在TI E2E上看到解决方案
附上:My suggestion was to keep only the CC3200MOD on your board. then have 5 test points + GND on your board. You could use another Launchpad with the 4 JTAG lines + GND conected to some wire with a connector. Then you can use the Launchpad itself to connect to your target board. Does this make sense..Or else, there is XDS100 emulator from TI which also works. You could also buy a standard FTDI board which you can program to work as an emulator.
endy mati:
回复 Yue TANG:
endy mati:
回复 HENG WU1: