1: 我们用TI官方的TMS570LC4357 DEMO板和SafeTI Diagnostic Library的DEMO程序做实验(我们的自研板也有同样问题)
1:发现电脑连接TMS570LC4357 DEMO板进行DEBUG调试时,TMS570LC4357芯片的nERROR引脚自动被激活(低电平),表现为DEMO板ERROR灯被点亮。
2:同时SafeTI Diagnostic Library在sl_priv.c文件的_SL_HoldNClear_nError()函数内,进入while(TRUE == SL_ESM_nERROR_Active())的死循环,SafeTI Diagnostic Library无法进行安全自检。
3:我们通过查找TMS570的勘误表,第56条有个错误描述:“DEVICE#56 nERROR assertion on debugger connect”。解决方法是:“Clear the nERROR by writing 0x5 to the ESMEKR key register in the ESM module and ignore the nERROR pin toggle which happens immediately upon the debugger connecting.”。但是SafeTI Diagnostic Library的DEMO程序源码里面其实有对ESMEKR写入0x5的操作,实际也是无效的。
Susan Yang:
很抱歉,由于手边没有TMS570LC4357 DEMO板,所以无法上手测试。我将向国外的工程师来咨询您描述的问题。
Lv Weijia:
回复 Susan Yang:
Susan Yang:
回复 Lv Weijia:
The Cortex R5F CPU may generate speculative fetches to any location within the Flash memory space. A speculative fetch to a location with invalid ECC, which is subsequently not used, will set the ESM flags for a correctable or uncorrectable error. An uncorrectable error will unconditionally cause the nERROR pin to toggle low. Therefore care must be taken to generate the correct ECC for the entire Flash space including the holes between sections and any unused or blank Flash areas.
Please use linker cmd file to generate ECC for the whole flash. https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Linker_Generated_ECC
When uncorrectable error occurs, the corresponding bits in ESM group 3 is set. The code will be in the loop in sys_startup.c
/* Check if there were ESM group3 errors during power-up.* These could occur during eFuse auto-load or during reads from flash OTP* during power-up. Device operation is not reliable and not recommended* in this case. */if ((esmREG->SR1[2]) != 0U){ esmGroup3Notification(esmREG,esmREG->SR1[2]);}
#pragma WEAK(esmGroup3Notification)void esmGroup3Notification(esmBASE_t *esm, uint32 channel){/* enter user code between the USER CODE BEGIN and USER CODE END. *//* USER CODE BEGIN (5) *//* USER CODE END */ for(;;) { }/* Wait *//* USER CODE BEGIN (6) *//* USER CODE END */}
Lv Weijia:
回复 Susan Yang: