我用的编译软件是IAR,单片机是CC1110Fx / CC1111Fx 。我在调试程序时,程序老是跑飞,说是堆栈溢出,现象如下。
Sat Aug 29 17:22:22 2015: The stack 'IdataStack' is filled to 100% (128 bytes used out of 128). The warning threshold is set to 90.%Sat Aug 29 17:22:22 2015: The stack 'XdataStack' is filled to 100% (2815 bytes used out of 2815). The warning threshold is set to 90.%Sat Aug 29 17:22:22 2015: The stack pointer for stack 'XdataStack' (currently XData:0xFFFF) is outside the stack range (XData:0xF000 to XData:0xFAFF)
IAR里面Linker的xcl文件里面可以改Heap/Stack size
// ———————————————————// Configuation//
// ———————————————–// Stack and heap sizes//
// Uncomment for command line use//-D_STACK_SIZE=80//-D_DATA16_HEAP_SIZE=80