warning #10210-D: creating ".stack" section with default size of 0x400; use the -stack option to change the default size
undefined first referenced
symbol in file ——— —————-
_InitGpio ./main.obj
error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "LED.out" not built
syemour syemour:
error #10234-已解决!
Seven Han:
回复 syemour syemour:
memcpy函数是用来COPY OVER THE SECTION "ramfuncs",可以参考controlsuite中的_flash例程;
.sect "codestart"
code_start: .if WD_DISABLE == 1 LB wd_disable ;Branch to watchdog disable code .else LB _c_int00 ;Branch to start of boot.asm in RTS library .endif
将code entry point 为改为_C_int00(code_start )就可以从code_start开始仿真。