我在ti网站上下载的ccsv6安装完以后打开提示:‘generate free license’ has encountered a problem. An internal error ocurred during:'Generate free license,请问该如何解决?'
Susan Yang:
您下载的是什么版本的CCS?是code limit 还是限时免费使用的?
回复 Susan Yang:
应该是code limit 版本。下载的页面是这么说的:The above buttons will take you to a form that once complete will download a small installation program. A MyTi login is required to fill out the form, if you don't have one there will be an option to create one. This installation program will allow you to select the features of CCS that you want to install and then will download and install just those items. Full zip images 'are available if you have issues with the web installer.' Previous versions are also available. After you have completed installation and run CCS for the first time it generate a free license that works with XDS100, development boards with onboard debug or for MSP430 users a 16KB code size limited license is generated.
Ken Wang:
你的CCS安装完全吗?可以试着重启一下电脑,然后在打开CCS试试。如果生成ccs license 不成功的话,后面开发程序就有点麻烦了。