TI 提供的库 driverlib.h 中有这样一个函数:
//! \brief Write data into the fram memory in byte format.
//! \param dataPtr is the pointer to the data to be written
//! \param framPtr is the pointer into which to write the data
//! \param numberOfBytes is the number of bytes to be written
//! \return None
extern void FRAMCtl_write8(uint8_t *dataPtr,
uint8_t *framPtr,
uint16_t numberOfBytes);
这个函数的FRAM地址是unsigned char* 类型的。而 Information memory 的最小地址也是001800h。那到底该怎么使用这个函数。或者不用这个函数 该怎么按字节写入和读取。
这函数没问题,这是指针,完全能对 Information memory 寻址
aaaaaa aaaaa:
回复 灰小子:
比如现在我要向 001880h 地址写入字节数组:
unsigned char bytes[2]={0xff,0x88}; FRAMCtl_write8(bytes, 这个参数该怎么传入 ,1);
把001880h 强制转换为uint8_t* 吗?
回复 aaaaaa aaaaa:
unsigned char* p = (unsigned chai*)0x1800;
FRAMCtl_write8(p, byte, 2)