
DS90UB947-Q1: Differences between DS90UB947N and DS90UB947T

Part Number:DS90UB947-Q1

We wanted to replace DS90UB947T with DS90UB947N, the following issues were encountered during the use of DS90UB947-Q1:

1. What are the specific parameter differences between DS90UB947T and DS90UB947N, and what specific optimizations have DS90UB947N made on the basis of DS90UB947T?

2. I checked that these two chips are PIN to PIN compatible, can the software program used for DS90UB947T be used on the DS90UB947N without modification. 

3: Whether the LVDS wiring harness used for DS90UB947T meets the standard of DS90UB947N chip, and what are the standards of DS90UB947N chip for wiring harness?

Vivian Gao:



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