

您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 

Green Deng:请问你使用的是这款套件吗?www.ti.com/…/TIDM-BLPFC
如果是的话可以参考以下文档中的说明Setting up the Hardware :C:/ti/controlSUITE/development_kits/BLPFC_v1.0/Docs/QSG-BLPFC-GUI_Rev1.2.pdf
上述文档是用来运行GUI所需的硬件配置,配置完之后也可以运行官方例程。其中,仿真器一般配置为XDS 100V2,目标板可以是Experimenter's kit – piccolo f28035。

您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 

Green Deng:另外,这款套件的所有软硬件设计资料和文档都可以在以下目录中找到:C:\ti\controlSUITE\development_kits\BLPFC_v1.0

您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 


回复 Green Deng:

谢谢,是这套软件,但是我仿真器配置成XDS 100v2 连接仿真器都是失败。j6也短接了,还能有什么问题呢?

您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 

Green Deng:

回复 user1641047:

Connect USB connector to the Piccolo (CC2803x) controller card for emulation. Use an external +12Vdc supply at JP1 to power up all the control circuit for now. By default, Piccolo controller is enabled to boot from FLASH and run the BLPFC code. The user should not use the RAM to program or run the BLPFC code.Turn on the switch SW1 by placing it towards the electrolytic caps (C5, C6 and C7). This will apply the external +12V supply to the BL PFC board.
Use an appropriate isolated AC power supply (100Vac to 250Vac, 47Hz~63Hz, 350W min) to provide input power to the BLPFC EVM. Connect the ac supply to the BLPFC EVM but do not turn on the AC power at this time. Connect an appropriate resistive load (only) to the BLPFC DC output terminals (PFC-Out & GND terminals). Resistive loads within the range of 10W ~ 300W are recommended. Do not use electronic load with this board.

您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 


回复 Green Deng:

我就是这么弄得,还是连接不上,重新加了一次CCXML文件,还是一样的。我用的是WIN10系统,从电脑USB口可以看到仿真器是TI XDS100 Chanenl A 和Chanenl B ,但是CCS6上没有这个仿真器选择,只有XDSv1 xdsv2 XDSV3选择,这个有关系吗?

您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 

Green Deng:

回复 user1641047:

或者你可以先试一下更新新版CCS测试,CCS 6系列的并不很稳定,有时会出问题。

您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 


回复 Green Deng:


您好,我购买了一套bl-pfc开发套件,我安装的是CCS6,下载BL-PFC程序正常,连接时一直连接不上,请问CCXML文件中connextion中仿真器选择是不是Texas Instruments XDS 100V1 USB Emulator,目标板是不是选择 Experimenter,s kit – piccolo f28035呢? 


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