Part Number:TSB82AA2
如果不使用EEPROM,如何配置对应寄存器?(器件手册第七节: initialize the 1394 global unique ID register and a few PCI configuration registers)
The TSB82AA2IPGEEP sopports a 2-wire EEPROM to configure its registers after power on reset. But in the datasheet, also has that " ROM is not implemented. Connect terminal 3(SCL FOR EEPROM) to ground with a 220-Ω resistor." My question is that, if I do not use the EEPROM, how can I initialize the 1394 global unique ID register and a few PCI configuration registers? If I use the EEPROM, does TI support a software to program the EEPROM?
Kailyn Chen:
首先TSB82AA2我们建议使用TSB82AA2B来替代,1394的料比较老了,资料也不是很多,我看了下,抱歉是没有EEPROM programming tool可以帮助配置的。
如果不使用EEPROM,这颗料没有办法通过硬件strap pin去配置的,我理解的也就都使用默认值,就不需要再对其进行初始化配置了。