Part Number:IWR1843BOOSTOther Parts Discussed in Thread:AWR1843
#define SOC_XWR18XX_DSS_L2_BUFF_SIZE 0xB000U
//#define SOC_XWR18XX_DSS_L2_BUFF_SIZE 0xF000U
/*! L2 RAM buffer */
#pragma DATA_SECTION(gMmwL2, ".l2data");
#pragma DATA_ALIGN(gMmwL2, 8);
uint8_t gMmwL2[SOC_XWR18XX_DSS_L2_BUFF_SIZE];
/*! L2 RAM scratch */
#pragma DATA_SECTION(gMmwL2, ".l2data");
#pragma DATA_ALIGN(gMmwL2, 8);
uint8_t gMmwL2Scratch[SOC_XWR18XX_DSS_L2_SCRATCH_SIZE];
程序运行到inst->detectionInstance = (void *) RADARDEMO_detectionCFAR_create(cfarConfig, &inst->cfarErrorCode);这个函数时,
出现out of L2 heap memory!报错,我认为是大小给定不足,但是通过修改SOC_XWR18XX_DSS_L2_BUFF_SIZE发现没有用,
Nancy Wang:
JESU LEE 说:但如果改成0XF000就不行,请问这是什么原因?
/** Copyright (c) 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated* All rights reserved.** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions* are met:** *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright*notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.** *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright*notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.** *Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of*its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived*from this software without specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"* AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR* CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,* EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS;* OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR* OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.*/#define L1P_CACHE_SIZE (16*1024) #define L1D_CACHE_SIZE (16*1024) #define MMWAVE_L3RAM_SIZE (MMWAVE_L3RAM_NUM_BANK*MMWAVE_SHMEM_BANK_SIZE)MEMORY { PAGE 0:#if (L1P_CACHE_SIZE < 0x8000)L1PSRAM:o = 0x00E00000, l = (0x00008000 - L1P_CACHE_SIZE) #endif #if (L1D_CACHE_SIZE < 0x8000)L1DSRAM:o = 0x00F00000, l = (0x00008000 - L1D_CACHE_SIZE) #endifL2SRAM_UMAP1:o = 0x007E0000, l = 0x00020000L2SRAM_UMAP0:o = 0x00800000, l = 0x00020000L3SRAM:o = 0x20000000, l = MMWAVE_L3RAM_SIZEHWA_RAM :o = 0x21030000, l = 0x00010000HSRAM:o = 0x21080000, l = 0x8000/* PAGEs 1 and onwards are for overlay purposes for memory optimization.Some examples:1. Overlay one-time only text with uninitialized data.2. Overlay L1PSRAM data path processing fast code and use copy tablesto page in (before entering data path) and out of L1PSRAM (when enteringsleep/low power).*/ PAGE 1:L3SRAM:o = 0x20000000, l = MMWAVE_L3RAM_SIZE }/* Set L1D, L1P and L2 Cache Sizes */ ti_sysbios_family_c64p_Cache_l1dSize = L1D_CACHE_SIZE; ti_sysbios_family_c64p_Cache_l1pSize = L1P_CACHE_SIZE; ti_sysbios_family_c64p_Cache_l2Size= 0;SECTIONS {/* hard addresses forces vecs to be allocated there */.vecs:{. = align(32); } > 0x007E0000/* Allocate data preferentially in one UMAP and code (.text) in another,this can improve performance due to simultaneous misses from L1Pand L1D caches to L2 SRAM, for more information see C674 MegamoduleUser Guide section "Level 2 Memory Architecture".The linker notation "X >> Y | Z" indicates section X is first allocated in Yand allowed to overflow into Z and can be split from Y to Z.The linker notation "X > Y | Z" indicates section X is first allocated in Yand allowed to overflow into Z and cannot be split from Y to Z. Some sectionslike bss are not allowed to be split so > notation is used for them */.fardata:{} >> L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.const:{} >> L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.switch:{} >> L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.cio:{} >> L2SRAM_UMAP0 |{} >> L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.rodata:{} > L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.bss:{} > L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.neardata: {} > L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.stack:{} > L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.cinit:{} > L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.far:{} > L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.text: {} >> L2SRAM_UMAP1 | L2SRAM_UMAP0 }/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Linker Settings*/ --retain="*(.intvecs)"--stack_size=0x1000/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Section Configuration*/ -ldsplib.ae64P -llibmmwavealg_xwr18xx.ae674 -lmathlib.ae674 -llibsoc_xwr18xx.ae674 SECTIONS {systemHeap : {} >> L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1.l2data : {} >> L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1/* HSRAM has output data from processing chain running on DSP */.demoSharedMem > HSRAM/* L3SRAM has code that is overlaid with data, so data must bemarked uninitialized. Application can initialize this sectionusing _L3data_* symbols defined below. Code should be written carefully asthese are linker symbols (see for example ):extern far uint8_t _L3data_start; // the type here does not matterextern far uint8_t _L3data_size;// the type here does not mattermemset((void *)_symval(&_L3data_start), 0, (uint32_t) _symval(&_L3data_size));*/.l3data: type=NOINIT, start(_L3data_start), size(_L3data_size), load=L3SRAM PAGE 1/* Bootloader cannot load L1DSRAM, make sure to mark as NOINIT */.l1data : type=NOINIT, load=L1DSRAM/* Currently bootloader does not allow loading in L1PSRAM because of supportinglow power. Below fast code is loaded in L3SRAM but run from L1PSRAM. The copy-inis called during initialization phase and copy-out is not used but can be added whensupporting low-power mode (where L1 contents are not retained).*/.fastCode:{dsplib.ae64P(.text)libmmwavealg_xwr18xx.ae674(.text)//mathlib.ae674(.text)//dss_data_path.oe674(.text:secondDimFFTandLog2Computation)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:MmwDemo_processChirp)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:MmwDemo_interChirpProcessing)//dss_data_path.oe674(.text:MmwDemo_XYestimation)//dss_data_path.oe674(.text:cfarCa_SO_dBwrap_withSNR)//dss_data_path.oe674(.text:cfarCadB_SO_withSNR)/*dss_data_path.oe674(.text:cfarPeakGroupingAlongDoppler)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:pruneToPeaks)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:findKLargestPeaks)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:disambiguateVel)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:MmwDemo_setDopplerLine)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:MmwDemo_getDopplerLine)*///dss_data_path.oe674(.text:rangeBasedPruning)/* dss_data_path.oe674(.text:MmwDemo_magnitudeSquared)*///dss_data_path.oe674(.text:azimuthProcessing)dss_data_path.oe674(.text:MmwDemo_waitEndOfChirps)//clusteringDBscan.oe674(.text:clusteringDBscan_findNeighbors2Fixed)//Extended_Kalman_Filter_xyz.oe674(.text:isTargetWithinDataAssociationThresh)} load=L3SRAM PAGE 0, run=L1PSRAM PAGE 0, table(_MmwDemo_fastCode_L1PSRAM_copy_table, compression=off)/* This is auto generated by linker related to copy table above */.ovly > L2SRAM_UMAP0 | L2SRAM_UMAP1/* Overlay one-time/init-time (and non-critical in cycles) with L3 data,will be erased during data path processing. Note do not put anycode that is required related to start/stop/reconfig processing */.overlay:{//libsoc_xwr18xx.ae674 (.text:SOC_init)//dss_main.oe674 (.text:main)//dss_main.oe674 (.text:MmwDemo_populateMRR)//dss_main.oe674 (.text:MmwDemo_populateUSRR)dss_data_path.oe674 (.text:MmwDemo_dataPathInitEdma)} > L3SRAM PAGE 0} /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Nancy Wang 说:这部分内容您是自己定义的吗?我在例程中没有找到。
这个是参照pa_18xx_dss的 dss_data_path.c文件改的,原来的就是0XF000,
Nancy Wang:
Nancy Wang:
#define MMW_L2_HEAP_SIZE 0x11000U
<Linking> "../dss_mmw_linker.cmd", line 44: warning #10068-D: no matching section "../c674x_linker.cmd", line 83: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available memory.placement with alignment fails for section ".fardata" size 0x1414 .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x8max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0"../dss_mmw_linker.cmd", line 11: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available placement with alignment fails for section "systemHeap" size 0x4007 .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x8max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0"../c674x_linker.cmd", line 94: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available placement with alignment fails for section ".far" size 0x3158 .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x8max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0"../c674x_linker.cmd", line 92: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available placement with alignment fails for section ".stack" size 0x418 .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x8max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0"../c674x_linker.cmd", line 85: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available memory.placement with alignment fails for section ".switch" size 0x1aa .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x8max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0"../c674x_linker.cmd", line 86: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available placement with alignment fails for section ".cio" size 0x127 .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x8max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0"../c674x_linker.cmd", line 91: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available memory.placement with alignment fails for section ".neardata" size 0xc .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x8max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0"../dss_mmw_linker.cmd", line 56: error #10099-D: program will not fit into available memory.placement with alignment fails for section ".ovly" size 0x10 .Available memory ranges:L2SRAM_UMAP0size: 0x20000unused: 0x7max hole: 0x7L2SRAM_UMAP1size: 0x20000unused: 0x0max hole: 0x0error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "radar_18xx_dss_v1.9.xe674" not built>> Compilation failure makefile:191: recipe for target 'radar_18xx_dss_v1.9.xe674' failed gmake[2]: *** [radar_18xx_dss_v1.9.xe674] Error 1 makefile:187: recipe for target 'main-build' failed gmake[1]: *** [main-build] Error 2 makefile:182: recipe for target 'all' failed gmake: *** [all] Error 2**** Build Finished ****
Nancy Wang:
JESU LEE 说:这样改的话编译会出错
你是重定义了MMW_L2_HEAP_SIZE 就出现如上的报错吗?我在例程上修改了没有报错。
Nancy Wang: