Part Number:MSP430FR2433
About MSP430FR2433 ,I have a question about the difference between data in FRAM and RAM.Those are my code :
#pragma NOINIT(FRAM_write)
uint8_t FRAM_write[0x800]; //ADDRESS:0xC400
uint8_t RD_NG[8]={0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff}; //ADDRESS: RAM
For those data,I want to compare FRAM_write with RD_NG,
f_7100_DATA(); //for get FRAM_write
flag[0] = 0x37313030;
P1OUT |= (BIT0); //P1.0 output low
P1OUT &=~(BIT0); //P1.0 output low
else f_7100_DATA();
P1OUT |= (BIT0); //P1.0 output low
P1OUT &=~(BIT0); //P1.0 output low
}while(flag[0] != 0x37313030);
P1OUT |= (BIT0); //P1.0 output low
P1OUT &=~(BIT0); //P1.0 output low
By the code ,I cannot get the result that the LED blinks 17 times.
if I change FRAM_write[800] adresss: uint8_t FRAM_write[0x800]; //ADDRESS:0x2300 at RAM
I can get the result that the LED blinks 17 times.
Yale Li:
weifeng he:
#include <msp430.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <CJ7100.h> #include <cmd_process.h> #include <stdio.h>/*uint8_t Change_ID = 0x1C;*/ //"stdio.h"和"string.h" #pragma NOINIT(Change_ID) uint8_t Change_ID;#pragma NOINIT(flag) unsigned long flag[2];#pragma NOINIT(FRAM_write) uint8_t FRAM_write[0x800]; //uint8_t FRAM_write_RAM[0x800];//调用RAM数据进行比较就可以直接比较uint8_t RD_NG[8]={0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff};//ADRESS: RAMuint8_t i,printer_ID = 0x01,returndata[6]={0xfc,0x05,0xfc,0x01,0xff,0xff};int I2Ccount_RX,I2Ccount_TX; uint16_t address; uint8_t I2CRXData[100] = {0x00};// I2C RX data buffer#pragma NOINIT(Write_flag) User_Write Write_flag;void Init_MCU(void); void Init_CLOCKS(void); void Init_UART(void); void Send_Char(uint8_t dat); void Send_string(uint8_t *ptr);uint8_ttest_flag=10;//=0: 7100与430上电后成功通讯 uint8_trxflag=0,txflag=0; uint8_trxcount=0,txcount=0; uint8_trxbuff[100]; uint8_ttxbuff[100];uint16_t SYSCFG0_copy;int main(void) {int i,j;char dat_test;WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;// stop watchdog timerInit_MCU();Init_CLOCKS();/*LED_GPIO-P1.0*/P1DIR |=(BIT0);//P1.0 mode outputP1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output lowInit_UART();delay_ms(1000);//延时时间需要较长/*test*////*UART_GPIO*/P1SEL1 &= ~(BIT4 | BIT5);// USCI_A0 UART operationP1SEL0 |= BIT4 | BIT5;//UART_PIN/*IIC_GPIO*/P1SEL1 &= ~(BIT2 | BIT3);// USCI_A0 UART operationP1SEL0 |= BIT2 | BIT3;SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | DFWP;if(Write_flag.mode == cmd03nack)Write_flag.count.CMD03 ++;if(Write_flag.count.CMD03 == 2)Write_flag.mode = normal;SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | PFWP | DFWP;/* 芯片上电首先运行到此,初始化硬件IIC */if(Write_flag.mode != cmd03nack)Init_IIC(printer_ID);CLK_7100_SET_OUT;CLK_7100_OUT_1;/*CLK_7100_OUT_1;CLK_7100_OUT_0;*/while (1){if(flag[0] != 0x37313030){/* TEST_START:确定430与7100上电后成功通讯 *///while (test_flag!=0x00) //{ //test_flag = f_430_to_7100(); //delay_ms(500); //}SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | DFWP; //loop:f_7100_DATA(); // //if(strncmp(FRAM_write,RD_NG,8)!=0) //{ //flag[0] = 0x37313030; //for(i=0;i<10;i++) //{ //delay_ms(250); //P1OUT |= (BIT0);//P1.0 output low //delay_ms(250); //P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output low //} //} //else { //for(i=0;i<5;i++) //{ //delay_ms(250); //P1OUT |= (BIT0);//P1.0 output low //delay_ms(250); //P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output low //} //goto loop; // //}/*do_while*/f_7100_DATA();do{if(strncmp(FRAM_write,RD_NG,8)!=0){flag[0] = 0x37313030;for(i=0;i<10;i++){delay_ms(250);P1OUT |= (BIT0);//P1.0 output lowdelay_ms(250);P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output low}}elsef_7100_DATA();for(i=0;i<2;i++){delay_ms(250);P1OUT |= (BIT0);//P1.0 output lowdelay_ms(250);P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output low}}while(flag[0] != 0x37313030);for(i=0;i<5;i++){delay_ms(250);P1OUT |= (BIT0);//P1.0 output lowdelay_ms(250);P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output low}delay_ms(50);memset(&Write_flag, 0, sizeof(Write_flag));SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | PFWP | DFWP;}else{__bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits | GIE);// Enter LPM0 w/ interrupts}} }void Init_CLOCKS(void) { // Configure one FRAM waitstate as required by the device datasheet for MCLK // operation beyond 8MHz before configuring the clock system.FRCTL0 = FRCTLPW | NWAITS_1;//Change the NWAITS_1 value to add the right amount of waitstates__bis_SR_register(SCG0);// disable FLLCSCTL3 |= SELREF__REFOCLK;// Set REFO as FLL reference source, FLLREFDIV bit :000----/1CSCTL0 = 0;// clear DCO and MOD registersCSCTL1 &= ~(DCORSEL_7);//fff1// Clear DCO frequency select bits firstCSCTL1 |= DCORSEL_5;// Set DCO = 16MHzCSCTL2 = FLLD_0 + 487;// DCOCLKDIV = 16MHz,000b = fDCOCLK ÷ 1,487=0X01E7=0000 0001 1110 0111// fDCOCLKDIV =(FLLN+1)*(fFLLREFCLK/n)//=(487+1)*(32.768kHZ/1)=16Mhz__delay_cycles(3);__bic_SR_register(SCG0);// enable FLL // Disable waiting FLL lock, as it takes about 300ms in active mode. // Just go to sleep and work with unlocked clock during first operations. // while(CSCTL7 & (FLLUNLOCK0 | FLLUNLOCK1));// FLL locked/*select MCLK,SMCLK,ACLK source*/CSCTL4 = SELMS__DCOCLKDIV|SELA__REFOCLK;// set default REFO(~32768Hz) as ACLK source, ACLK = 32768Hz// default DCOCLKDIV as MCLK and SMCLK source } // void Init_MCU(void) {WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;// Stop WDT// Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode// to activate previously configured port settingsPM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5; } // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // eUSCI_B0 interrupt service routine for I2C slave communication. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #pragma vector = USCI_B0_VECTOR//定位到中断向量表上某中断 __interrupt void USCI_B0_ISR(void) { //P1OUT |=(BIT0);//P1.0 output low //P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output low //P1OUT |=(BIT0);//P1.0 output low //P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output low //P1OUT |=(BIT0);//P1.0 output low //P1OUT &=~(BIT0);//P1.0 output lowswitch(__even_in_range(UCB0IV, USCI_I2C_UCBIT9IFG)){case USCI_I2C_UCSTTIFG:// Vector 6: STTIFGSTART_FLAGI2Ccount_RX = 0;// Reset counters with sequence startI2Ccount_TX = 0;UCB0IFG &= ~UCSTTIFG;// Clear start interrupt flag bit/*if(Write_flag.mode == cmd03nack){if(Write_flag.count.CMD03 == 0){UCB0CTLW0 = UCSWRST;UCB0CTLW0 |= UCMODE_3 | UCSYNC | UCSSEL__SMCLK;UCB0CTLW0 &= ~(UCA10 | UCSLA10);UCB0I2COA0 = 0x78 | UCOAEN;UCB0CTLW0 &= ~UCSWRST;}SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | DFWP;if(Write_flag.count.CMD03 <= 2){UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTXNACK;Write_flag.count.CMD03 ++;}else{Write_flag.count.CMD03 = 0;Init_IIC(printer_ID);Write_flag.mode = normal;UCB0CTLW0 &= ~UCTXNACK;}SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | PFWP | DFWP;}*/if(Write_flag.mode == ID_Restore){SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | DFWP;if(Write_flag.count.CMDIDRestore < 2){UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTXNACK;//Write_flag.count.CMDIDRestore ++;}else{Write_flag.count.CMDIDRestore = 0;Write_flag.mode = normal;UCB0CTLW0 &= ~UCTXNACK;//clear NACK}SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | PFWP | DFWP;}break;case USCI_I2C_UCSTPIFG://STOP interruptUCB0IFG &= ~UCSTPIFG;//clear interruptcmd_process();if(Write_flag.mode == cmd03nack){UCB0CTLW0 = UCSWRST;UCB0CTLW0 |= UCMODE_3 | UCSYNC | UCSSEL__SMCLK;UCB0CTLW0 &= ~(UCA10 | UCSLA10);UCB0I2COA0 = 0xff | UCOAEN;UCB0CTLW0 &= ~UCSWRST;}break;case USCI_I2C_UCRXIFG1:// RXinturrptI2CRXData[I2Ccount_RX++] = UCB0RXBUF;break;case USCI_I2C_UCTXIFG1:// TX inturrptUCB0TXBUF = returndata[I2Ccount_TX++];if((I2CRXData[0] == 0x07)&&(Write_flag.mode == ID_change)&&(I2Ccount_TX == 6)){SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | DFWP;Init_IIC(printer_ID);Write_flag.mode = ID_Restore;Write_flag.count.CMDIDRestore = 0;SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | PFWP | DFWP;}break;case USCI_I2C_UCRXIFG0:// Vector 24: RXIFG0I2CRXData[I2Ccount_RX++] = UCB0RXBUF; // Store received I2C dataif(I2CRXData[0] == 0x02){SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | DFWP;if((Write_flag.mode == data_addnack)&&(I2Ccount_RX == 50)){UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTXNACK;Write_flag.mode = normal;}if((Write_flag.mode == address_addnack)&&(I2Ccount_RX == 52)){UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTXNACK;Write_flag.mode = special_write;}SYSCFG0 = FRWPPW | PFWP | DFWP;}break;case USCI_I2C_UCTXIFG0:// Vector 26: TXIFG0if((I2Ccount_TX == 0)&&(I2CRXData[0] == 0x01))address = (uint16_t)(I2CRXData[2]<<8)|(uint16_t)I2CRXData[1];send_data();break;default: break;} }/**** 函数名: Init_UART* 参数 :无* 返回值: 无* 备注 : ACLK-9600 SMCLK-115200 SMCLK-9600** */ void Init_UART(void) {//Configure UARTUCA0CTLW0 |= UCSWRST;// Put eUSCI in reset enableUCA0CTLW0 |= UCSSEL__SMCLK;// clock source select16Mhz//Baud Rate calculation/*N = fBRCLK/Baud Rate*/UCA0BR0 = 138;// 16000000/115200 =138.88888UCA0MCTLW = 0xF700;// 16000000/115200 - INT(16000000/115200)=0.68 可通过查表22.3.10得到小数部分的值// UCBRSx value = 0xF7 (See UG) N=UCA0BR0+UCBRSxUCA0BR1 = 0;UCA0CTLW0 &= ~UCSWRST;// Initialize eUSCIUCA0IE |= UCRXIE|UCTXIE;// Enable USCI_A0 RX TX interrupt} /**** 中断***/ #pragma vector = USCI_A0_VECTOR__interrupt void USCI_A0_ISR(void) {//switch(__even_in_range(UCA0IV, USCI_I2C_UCBIT9IFG))switch(__even_in_range(UCA0IV, USCI_UART_UCTXCPTIFG)){case USCI_NONE: break;case USCI_UART_UCRXIFG:rxbuff[ rxcount ] = UCA0RXBUF;rxcount ++ ;if((rxcount == 3 ) || (UCA0RXBUF == 0x0D ) ){rxflag = 1;}break;case USCI_UART_UCTXIFG:break;case USCI_UART_UCSTTIFG: break;case USCI_UART_UCTXCPTIFG: break;} }int fputc(int ch,FILE *f) {UCA0TXBUF = ch&0xff;while(!(UCA0IFG & UCTXIFG));return ch; } int fputs(const char *_ptr, register FILE *_fp) {unsigned int i, len;len = strlen(_ptr);for(i=0 ; i<len ; i++){UCA0TXBUF = _ptr[i]&0xff;while(!(UCA0IFG & UCTXIFG));}return len; }void Send_Char(uint8_t dat) {while(!(UCA0IFG & UCTXIFG));UCA0TXBUF = dat&0xff; } void Send_string(uint8_t *ptr) {while(*ptr!='\0'){Send_Char(*ptr++);}Send_Char('\n'); }
weifeng he:
Yale Li:
(MSP430 FRAM 技术–操作方法和最佳实践 (Rev. B))
(MSP430FR2433 混合信号微控制器 datasheet (Rev. F) 5.3 Recommended Operating Conditions)
有关Wait State Control的内容,请参考MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx family user's guide (Rev. I) 6.5 Wait State Control
weifeng he:
你好,如果在实际使用MSP430FR2433 BSL 的IIC烧录程序。对于txt码表应该如何处理
@c4001C @cc1c01 FD 00 00 0F 51 03 00 00 83 00 00 FD 01 00 21 01 01 00 02 01 00 FF 03 01 00 04 01 00 05 01 FF 00 06 01 00 07 82 01 01 FF 80 01 10 03 01 01 83 01 BB 01 FF 00 04 FC 05 FC 00 B0 81 03 00 01 FF F0 00 D0 D5 00 00 A8 D1 00 00 0E D6 00 00 00 00 1D 00 00 00 1C CC 00 00 00 20 00 00 6A CC 00 00 A0 20 00 00 B2 40 02 A5 60 01 5F 42 00 20 2F 83 48 24 3F 80 03 00 22 24 3F 80 1B 00 B3 24 3F 80 61 00 BD 20 B2 90 03 00 B4 20 0C 34 A2 42 12 CC D2 42 01 20 9D 20 3F 40 40 00 5F 52 01 20 C2 4F 0D CC AD 3C 5F 42 0D CC 3F 50 10 00 82 4F 4E 05 B0 13 92 CF F2 50 40 00 0D CC A1 3C 0F 43 2F 92 1D 34 0F 43 2F 92 06 34 DF 4F 01 20 0E CC 1F 53 2F 92 FA 3B F2 F0 3F 00 0F CC F2 90 40 00 11 CC 03 2C F2 50 40 00 11 CC F2 90 C0 00 11 CC 03 28 F2 80 40 00 11 CC 1F 53 2F 92 E3 3B C2 43 09 CC 7E 3C 5F 42 02 20 47 18 0F 5F 5E 42 01 20 0E DF 82 4E 02 CC 5F 42 B4 20 7F 80 03 00 C2 4F 06 CC 92 92 04 CC 02 CC 12 20 5E 42 07 CC 5F 42 06 CC 0F 8E 2F 92 0B 20 D2 53 0B CC F2 90 0B 00 0B CC 05 20 C2 43 0B CC B2 40 05 00 12 CC 1F 42 02 CC 1F 82 04 CC 3F 90 10 00 0F 20 D2 92 07 CC 06 CC 0B 20 D2 53 0C CC F2 90 03 00 0C CC 05 20 C2 43 0C CC B2 40 06 00 12 CC 92 42 02 CC BA 20 5F 42 06 CC 82 4F B8 20 B2 90 07 00 12 CC 03 20 B2 F0 FC FF B8 20 0F 43 1F 92 B8 20 0A 2C CE 0F 1E 52 BA 20 DE 4F 03 20 02 C4 1F 53 1F 92 B8 20 F6 2B 92 42 02 CC 04 CC D2 42 06 CC 07 CC B2 90 07 00 12 CC 1D 20 92 43 40 05 B2 D0 88 07 40 05 B2 F0 FF 3F 40 05 B2 40 01 04 54 05 92 C3 40 05 82 43 12 CC 0D 3C 5C 42 00 C4 B0 13 B2 D6 A2 43 12 CC 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 D2 42 00 20 BC 20 B2 40 03 A5 60 01 10 01 4F 14 1F 42 6E 05 3F 80 06 00 84 24 2F 83 6D 24 3F 80 0A 00 9E 24 2F 83 43 24 2F 83 14 24 2F 83 A2 20 82 93 B6 20 0C 20 D2 93 00 20 09 20 5F 42 02 20 47 18 0F 5F 5E 42 01 20 0E DF 82 4E BA 20 B0 13 B8 D0 90 3C 1E 42 B4 20 CF 0E 1F 53 82 4F B4 20 1F 42 4C 05 CE 4F 00 20 E2 93 00 20 83 20 B2 40 02 A5 60 01 B2 90 05 00 12 CC 08 20 B2 90 32 00 B4 20 04 20 B2 D2 40 05 82 43 12 CC B2 90 06 00 12 CC 09 20 B2 90 34 00 B4 20 05 20 B2 D2 40 05 B2 40 07 00 12 CC B2 40 03 A5 60 01 63 3C 1E 42 B6 20 CF 0E 1F 53 82 4F B6 20 5F 4E 96 20 82 4F 4E 05 F2 90 07 00 00 20 55 20 A2 93 12 CC 52 20 B2 90 06 00 B6 20 4E 20 B2 40 02 A5 60 01 5C 42 9E 20 B0 13 B2 D6 B2 40 03 00 12 CC C2 43 08 CC B2 40 03 A5 60 01 3E 3C B2 C2 6C 05 B0 13 80 CC 92 93 12 CC 37 20 92 43 40 05 B2 D0 80 07 40 05 B2 F0 FF 3F 40 05 B2 40 FF 04 54 05 92 C3 40 05 29 3C 82 43 B4 20 82 43 B6 20 A2 C2 6C 05 B2 90 03 00 12 CC 1F 20 B2 40 02 A5 60 01 E2 93 08 CC 07 28 C2 43 08 CC 82 43 12 CC B2 C2 40 05 04 3C B2 D2 40 05 D2 53 08 CC B2 40 03 A5 60 01 0A 3C 1E 42 B4 20 CF 0E 1F 53 82 4F B4 20 1F 42 4C 05 CE 4F 00 20 4B 16 00 13 21 82 CC 01 0D 43 3E 40 03 00 B0 13 D2 D7 3C 40 88 20 3D 40 B1 20 5E 42 89 20 5F 42 8A 20 B0 13 96 D2 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 3C 40 8B 20 3D 40 B1 20 5E 42 8C 20 5F 42 8D 20 B0 13 96 D2 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 5E 42 83 20 5F 42 84 20 3C 40 82 20 3D 40 B0 20 B0 13 96 D2 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 3C 40 9C 20 3D 40 B0 20 6E 43 0F 43 B0 13 96 D2 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 5E 42 83 20 5F 42 84 20 3C 40 82 20 CD 01 B0 13 96 D2 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 3C 40 00 20 3D 40 B0 20 7E 40 0F 00 0F 43 B0 13 96 D2 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 11 3C CD 01 1D 53 5E 42 83 20 5F 42 84 20 3C 40 82 20 B0 13 96 D2 0D 14 3D 40 67 0A 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 5E 42 9D 20 5F 41 01 00 0F 8E 3F 90 80 00 E7 3B 3C 40 85 20 5E 42 86 20 5F 42 87 20 3D 40 A0 20 B0 13 96 D2 3C 40 0A 00 B0 13 B8 D7 21 52 10 01 B2 40 02 A5 60 01 5F 42 00 20 1F 83 63 24 2F 83 37 24 3F 80 03 00 16 24 1F 83 57 24 3F 80 79 00 47 24 2F 83 03 24 1F 83 3F 24 5E 3C A2 92 12 CC 04 24 B2 40 38 00 4E 05 57 3C 5F 42 0D CC 82 4F 4E 05 52 3C F2 90 10 00 09 CC 0B 28 B2 90 03 00 B6 20 04 38 B2 40 40 00 4E 05 09 3C 82 43 4E 05 06 3C 1F 42 B6 20 5F 4F 0E CC 82 4F 4E 05 B2 90 03 00 B6 20 02 20 D2 53 09 CC 92 53 B6 20 34 3C D2 92 00 20 BC 20 03 24 C2 43 0A CC 02 3C D2 53 0A CC F2 90 03 00 0A CC 04 20 C2 43 0A CC 92 43 12 CC 82 43 4E 05 20 3C B2 40 F0 00 4E 05 1C 3C 1E 42 B6 20 CF 0E 1F 53 82 4F B6 20 5F 4E A0 20 82 4F 4E 05 82 43 12 CC 0F 3C 5C 42 9E 20 B0 13 B2 D6 0A 3C 1F 42 BA 20 1F 52 B6 20 5F 4F 02 C4 82 4F 4E 05 92 53 B6 20 B2 40 03 A5 60 01 10 01 6A 14 B0 13 84 D2 67 4B 47 47 06 43 2D 3C C9 0E CA 0F 09 88 0A 73 19 83 0A 73 C5 09 C8 0A 19 53 0A 63 0F 18 48 58 00 18 48 D5 65 48 C4 0E C8 0F 1E 53 0F 63 0F 18 48 58 00 18 48 D4 C8 45 00 00 1B 83 EB 23 0D 3C B0 13 84 D2 6A 4B C9 0E CB 0F 1E 53 0F 63 0F 18 4B 5B 00 18 4B D9 CB 4A 00 00 57 03 16 53 36 92 CD 37 17 B3 ED 23 B0 13 84 D2 68 4B 48 48 B0 13 84 D2 6B 4B 4B 4B CA 08 5A 0E C8 0B 58 0F 38 F0 0F 00 08 DA 3B F0 0F 00 3B 50 03 00 3B 90 12 00 1D 20 C9 0C CA 0D 1C 53 0D 63 0F 18 4A 5A 00 18 4A D9 6A 4A 4A 4A 3A B0 80 00 0F 24 C5 0C C9 0D 1C 53 0D 63 0F 18 49 59 00 18 49 D5 69 49 3A F0 7F 00 49 49 46 18 09 59 0A D9 0B 5A 38 90 FF 0F 9B 23 64 16 10 01 CA 0C CB 0D 1C 53 0D 63 0F 18 4B 5B 00 18 4B DA 10 01 3A 14 CB 0F CA 0E C7 0C 59 43 B0 13 7E D6 7C 40 F0 00 B0 13 D6 D3 5C 43 B0 13 D6 D3 4C 93 02 24 4C 43 3D 3C 08 43 4F 4A 08 9F 0D 2C CF 07 0F 58 6C 4F B0 13 D6 D3 4C 93 05 20 18 53 4F 4A 08 9F F5 2B 01 3C 49 43 0D 14 3D 40 07 00 1D 83 FE 23 0D 16 03 43 0B 93 20 24 B0 13 7E D6 7C 40 F1 00 B0 13 D6 D3 4C 93 02 24 4C 43 19 3C 08 43 09 3C B0 13 46 D5 CF 0D 0F 58 CF 4C 00 00 B0 13 46 D7 18 53 CF 0B 1F 83 08 9F F3 2B B0 13 46 D5 0D 5B CD 4C FF FF B0 13 E4 D6 B0 13 16 D7 CC 09 37 16 10 01 B0 13 E6 D7 B0 13 4A D6 F2 D0 0C 00 0A 02 B2 40 02 A5 60 01 92 93 12 CC 02 20 D2 53 0A CC E2 93 0A CC 02 20 82 43 12 CC B2 40 03 A5 60 01 92 93 12 CC 04 24 5C 42 9E 20 B0 13 B2 D6 E2 D2 24 02 E2 D2 22 02 1E 3C B2 40 02 A5 60 01 B0 13 62 D4 3C 40 02 C4 3D 40 8E 20 3E 42 B0 13 72 D7 0C 93 06 24 B2 40 30 30 14 CC B2 40 31 37 16 CC 3C 40 02 CC 0D 43 3E 40 12 00 B0 13 D2 D7 B2 40 03 A5 60 01 B2 90 31 37 16 CC DE 23 B2 90 30 30 14 CC DA 23 03 43 32 D0 18 00 03 43 F3 3F 03 43 5F 43 F2 D0 80 00 05 02 4E 43 7E 90 09 00 3C 2C 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Yale Li: