
strange question: Flash download empty

使用串口或JTAG烧录F240芯片,整个烧录过程成功.但是通过CCS观察程序内容时,发现地址0000~0FFF内容全都是FF(没有数据,待烧录的OUT文件此期间是有数据的),而1FFF~3FFF地址内容正确.真的很奇怪. 有哪些方面会引起这些问题呢

use RS-232 or JTAG to download the F240 flash, the total steps are right and successful. But find the contents of the address (0000h~0FFFh) are empty (That is FF) and the contentsof the address (1000h~3fffh) are right(That is no empty) by CCS software viewing program space. The source OUT file is no empty at the range 0000h~3FFFh. it is very strange. which sides can affect this question? Can you help me?

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