
TDA2SX: 目前渲染图像和视频在一起完成,能否分开实现?could rendering video frame and ui be separated?

Part Number:TDA2SX

在使用 tda2sx 平台,采用 openGL 渲染摄像头采集的视频,和ui界面的时候,目前程序里面是放在一起处理的,目前遇到一些问题,因为渲染和处理和用户的互动比较耗时,导致sgxFrmCpy link 时常被堵塞,有的时候甚至直接挂掉,程序卡住或者崩溃;

所以,目前考虑把 渲染视频和渲染界面分开,并且,处理界面的响应也不能放在渲染界面中处理,不过,有几个疑问想请教一下:

1,tda2sx 平台是否有 视频图层和图像图层,可以在不同的图层采用openGL分别进行渲染;

2,openGL 渲染视频和图像时,能否分开实现?

3,有没有类似的例程,可以让我们在同一个程序中,采用openGL 对视频和 ui分别进行渲染?



Currently, there is only one function which I used to render the video and ui in the program on TDA2SX platform, when sgxFrmCpy recieve camera image buffer,  the link will call this render function, since the render function spend about 40~200 ms to render video and ui, the sgxFrmCpy is frequently blocked, sometimes the link will breakdown, even the program would be killed.

so, for this issue, my solution is to separate the activities of rendering video and rendering ui, furthermore, don't process the ui interact in render ui function. before implement, there are some questions need to investigate:

1,are there video display layer and iamge display layer in TDA2Sx platform, if yes, could we render video and ui in different layers?

2, could we use different thread and function to render video and ui with openGL?

3, are there any example program and source code which could render video and ui separatly in the same process?

thanks in advance.


Cherry Zhou:



henry o:



Cherry Zhou:


Sorry for the delayed response here.

Which application are you using? If you are referring to 3D surround view video, it has to be SGX rendered and you cannot separate the two. The HW platform supports multiple overlays and you can utilize these overlays as per your requirements but our SDKs generally support certain demo use cases.

Best Regards,



henry o:

Hi, nice to hear from you and thanks for your kindly support.the usecase which I used in this app is made by ourselves. below is descrption of part chains.this app render avm view video, such as 2D surround view video. and sgxFrmCpy is used in the usecase.glad to know that multiple overlayers are supported by HW platform, could you kindly help to tell me how to enable the multiple overlayers in the app and  give the usecase name for examples? thanks in advance.BR.below is current chains(partly), sgxFrmCpy link renders the video and ui:——————————————————-UseCase: chains_tidlOD_XXXCapture -> DupDup -> Sync_disp -> Gate_camera_display -> Merge_display -> SgxFrmcpy (A15) -> Display


Cherry Zhou:

Hi Henry,

Got it and please be noted that due to the Christmas and New Year's Holidays, responses may be delayed from 12/20/21 – 1/3/22 on English forum. Thanks for your comprehension.

Best Regards,



henry o:

Hello Cherry,

Nice to hear from you and thanks for your kindly notice. Merry Christmas in advance. have a good day!BR,



Cherry Zhou:

Hi Henry,

Sorry for the delay in response.

Is display driver running on A15 in your configuration?

If yes, UI can render to DSS and DSS can overlay the image with Surround View image from GPU.

However, we don't have example for this.




henry o:

Hello Cherry,

Nice to hear from you.

Actually i dont know where the display driver is located. now A15 is running linux OS.

thanks for your kindly support.


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