
IWR6843: 使用DCA1000EVM与IWR6843,允许LUA脚本获取雷达原始中频信号,报错:Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT

Part Number:IWR6843Other Parts Discussed in Thread:DCA1000EVM,

在使用IWR6843和DCA1000EVM连接采集原始数据时,ProfileConfig、ChirpConfig、FrameConfig都配置成功了,但是报了以下错误:Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT,然而当配置变为ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0),即更改chirp配置之前的数据后,有时可以正常允许。请问各位大佬有没有什么头绪,已经被这个问题困扰了很久了。


--BSS and MSS firmware download
info = debug.getinfo(1,'S');
file_path = (info.source);
file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "@","");
file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "BF.lua","");
fw_path= file_path.."..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware"

--Export bit operation file
bitopfile = file_path.."\\".."bitoperations.lua"

--Read part ID
--This register address used to find part number for ES2 and ES3 devices
res, efusedevice = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE214, 0, 31)
res, efuseES1device = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE210, 0, 31)
efuseES2ES3Device = bit_and(efusedevice, 0x03FC0000)
efuseES2ES3Device = bit_rshift(efuseES2ES3Device, 18)

--if part number is zero then those are ES1 devicesif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0) then
if (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 0) then
partId = 1243
elseif (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 1) then
partId = 1443
partId = 1642
elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE0 and (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 2)) then
partId = 6843
--if part number is non-zero then those are ES12 and ES3 devices
if(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x20 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x21 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x80) then
partId = 1243
elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xA0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x40)then
partId = 1443
elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x60 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x61 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x04 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x62 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x67) then
partId = 1642
elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x66 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x01 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xC0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xC1) then
partId = 1642
elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x70 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x71 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xD0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x05) then
partId = 1843
elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE1 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE2 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE3 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE4) then
partId = 6843
WriteToLog("Inavlid Device part number in ES2 and ES3 devices\n" ..partId)
--ES version
res, ESVersion = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE218, 0, 31)
ESVersion = bit_and(ESVersion, 15)

--ADC_Data file path
data_path= file_path.."..\\PostProc"
adc_data_path = data_path.."\\adc_data.bin"

-- Download Firmware
if(partId == 1642) then
BSS_FW= fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr16xx_radarss.bin"
MSS_FW= fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr16xx_masterss.bin"
elseif(partId == 1243) then
BSS_FW= fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss.bin"
MSS_FW= fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss.bin"
elseif(partId == 1443) then
BSS_FW= fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss.bin"
MSS_FW= fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss.bin"
elseif(partId == 1843) then
BSS_FW= fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr18xx_radarss.bin"
MSS_FW= fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr18xx_masterss.bin"
elseif(partId == 6843) then
BSS_FW= fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr68xx_radarss.bin"
MSS_FW= fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr68xx_masterss.bin"
WriteToLog("Invalid Device partId FW\n" ..partId)
WriteToLog("Invalid Device ESVersion\n" ..ESVersion)

-- Download BSS Firmware

------------------------------ CONFIGURATIONS ----------------------------------
-- Use "DCA1000" for working with DCA1000

if (ar1.DownloadBSSFw(BSS_FW) == 0) then
WriteToLog("BSS FW Download Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("BSS FW Download failure\n", "red")

-- Download MSS Firmware
if (ar1.DownloadMSSFw(MSS_FW) == 0) then
WriteToLog("MSS FW Download Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("MSS FW Download failure\n", "red")

-- SPI Connect
if (ar1.PowerOn(1, 1000, 0, 0) == 0) then
WriteToLog("Power On Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("Power On failure\n", "red")

-- RF Power UP
if (ar1.RfEnable() == 0) then
WriteToLog("RF Enable Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("RF Enable failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0) == 0) then
WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig failure\n", "red")

if (partId == 1642) then
if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 1) == 0) then
WriteToLog("LPModConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("LPModConfig failure\n", "red")
if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0) == 0) then
WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.RfInit() == 0) then
WriteToLog("RfInit Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("RfInit failure\n", "red")


if (ar1.DataPathConfig(513, 1216644097, 0) == 0) then
WriteToLog("DataPathConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("DataPathConfig failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1) == 0) then
WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig failure\n", "red")

if((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843) or (partId == 6843)) then
if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then
WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red")
elseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then
if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then
WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.SetTestSource(4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -327, 0, -327, 327, 327, 327, -2.5, 327, 327, 0, 0, 0, 0, -327, 0, -327,327, 327, 327, -95, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0) then
WriteToLog("Test Source Configuration Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("Test Source Configuration failure\n", "red")

if((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843)) then
if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0) then
WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red")

elseif((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then
if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 100, 6, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29.982, 0, 128, 3000, 0, 0, 30) == 0) then
WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red")
elseif(partId == 6843) then
if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0) then
WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) == 0) then
WriteToLog("ChirpConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("ChirpConfig failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.EnableTestSource(1) == 0) then
WriteToLog("Enabling Test Source Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("Enabling Test Source failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.FrameConfig(0,0,7500,2,4,0,0,1) == 0) then
WriteToLog("FrameConfig Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("FrameConfig failure\n", "red")

-- select Device type
if (ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000") == 0) then
WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "12:34:56:78:90:12", 4096, 4098) == 0) then
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit failure\n", "red")

--AWR12xx or xWR14xx-1, xWR16xx or xWR18xx or xWR68xx- 2 (second parameter indicates the device type)
if ((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843) or (partId == 6843)) then
if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red")
elseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then
if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red")

if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(25) == 0) then
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success\n", "green")
WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay failure\n", "red")

socket = require("socket")
--for i = 21,24,1 --Count 10 11 12
--Start Record ADC data
ar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord(adc_data_path, 1)
RSTD.Sleep(10500) --1500/2500
--Trigger frame
t = socket.gettime()
detNam = "D:\\RadarRawData\\TEST\\20210610\\"..tostring(t)..".bin"
RSTD.Sleep(38000) -- 19500/6500
-- 3500/1500
--Move file from scr to Det
scrNam = "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin"


GM: Constructor
GM: Mon Jun 28 00:10:47 2021
[00:10:47][00:10:47] ### Running Startup script: "C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\mmWaveStudio\Scripts\Startup.lua" ###
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetAndTransmit ("/Settings/Scripter/Display DateTime" , "1")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetAndTransmit ("/Settings/Scripter/DateTime Format" , "HH:mm:ss")
[00:10:47] Scripter ignored: Attempt to UnBuild() again or before Build.
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/Dll" , "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Clients\\\\LabClient.dll")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/Use" , "TRUE")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 1/Use" , "FALSE")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 2/Use" , "FALSE")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 3/Use" , "FALSE")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 4/Use" , "FALSE")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AL Client/AL Dll" , "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\RunTime\\SAL.dll")
[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/GuiDll" , "")
[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AutoUpdate/Enabled" , "TRUE")
[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AutoUpdate/Interval" , "1")
[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Monitors/UpdateDisplay" , "TRUE")
[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Monitors/OneClickStart" , "TRUE")
[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Automation/Automation Mode" , "false")
[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")
[00:10:48] RSTD.SaveSettings(): Settings saved to "C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\config.xml"
[00:10:48] RSTD.Build()
[00:10:48] RSTD.SaveSettings(): Settings saved to "C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\config.xml"
[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")
[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_Build()
[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_LoadXml()
[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")
[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_Init()
[00:10:48] RSTD.Clients_Build()
[00:10:48] GM: Init
[00:10:48] GM: Loaded 'C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\mmWaveStudio\Clients\\LabClient.dll'
[00:10:48] GM: 1 Guest (s) init
[00:10:48] GM: 1 Module(s) init
[00:10:48] GM: 2 Tab (s) init
[00:10:48] RSTD.Client_LoadXml()
[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectRadarMode(0)
[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:10:48] Matlab Runtime Engine is installed
[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: Starting Matlab Engine..
[00:10:52] [RadarAPI]: Matlab Engine Started!
[00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectCascadeMode(0)
[00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LoadSettings('C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')
[00:10:54] TESTING = false
[00:10:54] RstdNet: Port 2777: Listening..
[00:10:54][00:10:54] ***Script completed successfully.***
[00:15:27] [RadarAPI]: Opening Gpio Control Port()
[00:15:27] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:28] [RadarAPI]: Opening Board Control Port()
[00:15:28] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:29] [RadarAPI]: ar1.FullReset()
[00:15:29] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Closing Board Control Port()
[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Closing Gpio Control Port()
[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SOPControl(2)
[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Connect(19,921600,1000)
[00:15:33] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Connected with baudrate 115200
[00:15:34] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Disconnected existing BaudRate
[00:15:34] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Trying to connect with baudrate 921600
[00:15:35] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Calling_IsConnected()
[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")
[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")
[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")
[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:37] Device Status : IWR6843/QM/SOP:2/ES:2
[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SaveSettings('C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')
[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe214, 0, 31)
[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe210, 0, 31)
[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")
[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe218, 0, 31)
[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadBSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\radarss\\xwr68xx_radarss.bin")
[00:15:39] [RadarAPI]: Downloading BSS ROM RPRC Binary..
[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSFwVersion()
[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: BSSFwVersion:( (22/08/19))
[00:15:47] BSS FW Download Success
[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadMSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\masterss\\xwr68xx_masterss.bin")
[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: Downloading MSS RPRC Binary..
[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetMSSFwVersion()
[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: MSSFwVersion:( (27/08/19))
[00:15:51] MSS FW Download Success
[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: ar1.PowerOn(0, 1000, 0, 0)
[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:51] MSS power up done async event received!
[00:15:51] Power On Success
[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")
[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")
[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:52] Device Status : IWR6843/QM/SOP:2/ES:2
[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.RfEnable()
[00:15:53] BSS power up done async event received!
[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetMSSFwVersion()
[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: MSSFwVersion:( (27/08/19))
[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSFwVersion()
[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: BSSFwVersion:( (22/08/19))
[00:15:54] RF Enable Success
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0)
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:54] ChanNAdcConfig Success
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0)
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:54] Regualar mode Cfg Success
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.RfInit()
[00:15:54] RF Init async event received!
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Time stamp, Temperture: 1589,52; APLL Status, Update: 1, 0; SynthVCO1 Status, Update: 1, 1; SynthVCO2 Status, Update: 1, 1; LODist Status, Update: 1, 1; RxADCDC Status, Update: 0, 0; HPFcutoff Status, Update: 0, 0; LPFcutoff Status, Update: 0, 0; PeakDetector Status, Update: 0, 0; TxPower Status, Update: 0, 0; RxGain Status, Update: 0, 0; TxPhase Status, Update: 0, 0; RxIQMM Status, Update: 0, 0;[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:54] RfInit Success
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SetCalMonFreqLimitConfig(77,81)
[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DataPathConfig(513, 1216644097, 0)
[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:55] DataPathConfig Success
[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1)
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:56] LvdsClkConfig Success
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:56] LVDSLaneConfig Success
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 100, 2, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 256, 4000, 0, 0, 48)
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:56] ProfileConfig Success
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:56] ChirpConfig Success
[00:15:56] Test Source Already Disabled...!!!
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DisableTestSource(0)
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.FrameConfig(0, 0, 7500, 2, 4, 0, 0, 1)
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:56] FrameConfig Success
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000")
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:15:56] SelectCaptureDevice Success
[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "c:22:38:4e:5a:c", 4096, 4098)
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]:[00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga_version command to DCA1000
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]:[00:15:57][00:15:57] FPGA Version : 2.8 [Record]
[00:15:57][00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0)
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]:[00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success
[00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(25)
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]:[00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending record command to DCA1000
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]:[00:15:57] Configure Record command : Success
[00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin", 1)
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending start_record command to DCA1000
[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[00:16:08] [RadarAPI]: ar1.StartFrame()
[00:16:12] Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT
[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: ar1.StartMatlabPostProc("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin")
[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: No of files Captured: 1, Total no of frames for each device : 7500
[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: Error:[00:16:50][00:16:50] ... MWMCR::EvaluateFunction error ...[00:16:50] 28-Jun-2021 00:16:50: Incorrect number of samples. We expect 4096. However, we got 2048.,1,
[00:16:50] Error in => process_adc_data.m at line 79.
[00:16:50][00:16:50] ... Matlab M-code Stack Trace ...
[00:16:50] at
[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Logging\log_status.m, name log_status, line 32.
[00:16:50] at
[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Processing_functions\read_adc_data.m, name read_adc_data_16xx, line 622.
[00:16:50] at
[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Processing_functions\read_adc_data.m, name read_adc_data, line 27.
[00:16:50] at
[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\MatlabPostPr\process_adc_data.m, name process_adc_data, line 79.
[00:16:50][00:16:50][00:16:50] Trace:
[00:16:50] 在 MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility.MWMCR.EvaluateFunction(String functionName, Int32 numArgsOut, Int32 numArgsIn, MWArray[] argsIn)
[00:16:50] 在 MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility.MWMCR.EvaluateFunction(Int32 numArgsOut, String functionName, MWArray[] argsIn)
[00:16:50] 在 MatlabPostProcGui.MatlabPostProcGUIClass.process_adc_data(MWArray adc_file_name, MWArray force_cont_stream_mode)
[00:16:50] 在 AR1xController.frmAR1Main.iStartMtlabPostProc()
[00:16:55][00:16:55] ***Script completed successfully.***
[15:25:18] RSTD.ShowLogFile()


Part Number:IWR6843

在使用IWR6843和DCA1000EVM连接采集原始数据时,ProfileConfig、ChirpConfig、FrameConfig都配置成功了,但是报了以下错误:Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT,然而当配置变为ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0),即更改chirp配置之前的数据后,有时可以正常允许。请问各位大佬有没有什么头绪,已经被这个问题困扰了很久了。


–BSS and MSS firmware downloadinfo = debug.getinfo(1,'S');file_path = (info.source);file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "@","");file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "BF.lua","");fw_path = file_path.."..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware"–Export bit operation filebitopfile = file_path.."\\".."bitoperations.lua"dofile(bitopfile)–Read part ID–This register address used to find part number for ES2 and ES3 devicesres, efusedevice = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE214, 0, 31)res, efuseES1device = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE210, 0, 31)efuseES2ES3Device = bit_and(efusedevice, 0x03FC0000)efuseES2ES3Device = bit_rshift(efuseES2ES3Device, 18)–if part number is zero then those are ES1 devices if(efuseES2ES3Device == 0) then if (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 0) then partId = 1243 elseif (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 1) then partId = 1443 else partId = 1642 endelseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE0 and (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 2)) then partId = 6843 ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")–if part number is non-zero then those are ES12 and ES3 deviceselse if(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x20 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x21 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x80) then partId = 1243 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xA0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x40)then partId = 1443 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x60 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x61 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x04 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x62 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x67) then partId = 1642 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x66 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x01 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xC0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xC1) then partId = 1642 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x70 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x71 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xD0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x05) then partId = 1843 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE1 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE2 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE3 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE4) then partId = 6843 ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G") else WriteToLog("Inavlid Device part number in ES2 and ES3 devices\n" ..partId) endend –ES versionres, ESVersion = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE218, 0, 31)ESVersion = bit_and(ESVersion, 15)–ADC_Data file pathdata_path = file_path.."..\\PostProc"adc_data_path = data_path.."\\adc_data.bin"– Download Firmwareif(partId == 1642) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr16xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr16xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 1243) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 1443) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 1843) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr18xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr18xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 6843) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr68xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr68xx_masterss.bin"else WriteToLog("Invalid Device partId FW\n" ..partId) WriteToLog("Invalid Device ESVersion\n" ..ESVersion)end– Download BSS Firmware—————————— CONFIGURATIONS ———————————— Use "DCA1000" for working with DCA1000if (ar1.DownloadBSSFw(BSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("BSS FW Download Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("BSS FW Download failure\n", "red")end– Download MSS Firmwareif (ar1.DownloadMSSFw(MSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("MSS FW Download Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("MSS FW Download failure\n", "red")end– SPI Connectif (ar1.PowerOn(1, 1000, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Power On Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("Power On failure\n", "red")end– RF Power UPif (ar1.RfEnable() == 0) then WriteToLog("RF Enable Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("RF Enable failure\n", "red")endif (ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig failure\n", "red")endif (partId == 1642) then if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("LPModConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LPModConfig failure\n", "red") endelse if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg failure\n", "red") endendif (ar1.RfInit() == 0) then WriteToLog("RfInit Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("RfInit failure\n", "red")endar1.SetCalMonFreqLimitConfig(77,81)RSTD.Sleep(1000)if (ar1.DataPathConfig(513, 1216644097, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("DataPathConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("DataPathConfig failure\n", "red")endif (ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig failure\n", "red")endif((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843) or (partId == 6843)) then if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red") endelseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red") endend–[[if (ar1.SetTestSource(4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -327, 0, -327, 327, 327, 327, -2.5, 327, 327, 0, 0, 0, 0, -327, 0, -327, 327, 327, 327, -95, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Test Source Configuration Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("Test Source Configuration failure\n", "red")end]]if((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843)) then — if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") endelseif((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 100, 6, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29.982, 0, 128, 3000, 0, 0, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") endelseif(partId == 6843) then if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") endendif (ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("ChirpConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("ChirpConfig failure\n", "red")end–[[if (ar1.EnableTestSource(1) == 0) then WriteToLog("Enabling Test Source Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("Enabling Test Source failure\n", "red")end]]if (ar1.FrameConfig(0,0,7500,2,4,0,0,1) == 0) then WriteToLog("FrameConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("FrameConfig failure\n", "red")end– select Device typeif (ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000") == 0) then WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice failure\n", "red")end–DATA CAPTURE CARD APIif (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "12:34:56:78:90:12", 4096, 4098) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit failure\n", "red")end–AWR12xx or xWR14xx-1, xWR16xx or xWR18xx or xWR68xx- 2 (second parameter indicates the device type)if ((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843) or (partId == 6843)) then if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red") endelseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red") endendif (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(25) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay failure\n", "red")endadc_data_path="C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin"socket = require("socket")–for i = 21,24,1 –Count 10 11 12–do–Start Record ADC data–DCA STARTar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord(adc_data_path, 1)RSTD.Sleep(10500) –1500/2500–Trigger framet = socket.gettime()ar1.StartFrame()detNam = "D:\\RadarRawData\\TEST\\20210610\\"..tostring(t)..".bin"RSTD.Sleep(38000) — 19500/6500–ar1.StartMatlabPostProc("E:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0_raw0.bin")ar1.StartMatlabPostProc(adc_data_path)RSTD.Sleep(3500)– 3500/1500–Move file from scr to DetscrNam = "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin"os.rename(scrNam,detNam)–endRSTD.Sleep(2000)–end


GM: ConstructorGM: Mon Jun 28 00:10:47 2021RSTD.Transmit("/Settings")[00:10:47] [00:10:47] ### Running Startup script: "C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\mmWaveStudio\Scripts\Startup.lua" ###[00:10:47] RSTD.SetAndTransmit ("/Settings/Scripter/Display DateTime" , "1")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetAndTransmit ("/Settings/Scripter/DateTime Format" , "HH:mm:ss")[00:10:47] Scripter ignored: Attempt to UnBuild() again or before Build.[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/Dll" , "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Clients\\\\LabClient.dll")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/Use" , "TRUE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 1/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 2/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 3/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 4/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AL Client/AL Dll" , "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\RunTime\\SAL.dll")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/GuiDll" , "")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AutoUpdate/Enabled" , "TRUE")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AutoUpdate/Interval" , "1")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Monitors/UpdateDisplay" , "TRUE")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Monitors/OneClickStart" , "TRUE")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Automation/Automation Mode" , "false")[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")[00:10:48] RSTD.SaveSettings(): Settings saved to "C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\config.xml"[00:10:48] RSTD.Build()[00:10:48] RSTD.SaveSettings(): Settings saved to "C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\config.xml"[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_Build()[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_LoadXml()[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_Init()[00:10:48] RSTD.Clients_Build()[00:10:48] GM: Init[00:10:48] GM: Loaded 'C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\mmWaveStudio\Clients\\LabClient.dll'[00:10:48] GM: 1 Guest (s) init[00:10:48] GM: 1 Module(s) init[00:10:48] GM: 2 Tab (s) init[00:10:48] RSTD.Client_LoadXml()[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectRadarMode(0)[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:10:48] Matlab Runtime Engine is installed[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: Starting Matlab Engine..[00:10:52] [RadarAPI]: Matlab Engine Started![00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectCascadeMode(0)[00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LoadSettings('C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')[00:10:54] TESTING = false[00:10:54] RstdNet: Port 2777: Listening..[00:10:54] [00:10:54] ***Script completed successfully.***[00:15:27] [RadarAPI]: Opening Gpio Control Port()[00:15:27] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:28] [RadarAPI]: Opening Board Control Port()[00:15:28] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:29] [RadarAPI]: ar1.FullReset()[00:15:29] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Closing Board Control Port()[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Closing Gpio Control Port()[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SOPControl(2)[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Connect(19,921600,1000)[00:15:33] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Connected with baudrate 115200[00:15:34] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Disconnected existing BaudRate[00:15:34] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Trying to connect with baudrate 921600[00:15:35] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Calling_IsConnected()[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:37] Device Status : IWR6843/QM/SOP:2/ES:2[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SaveSettings('C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe214, 0, 31)[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe210, 0, 31)[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe218, 0, 31)[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadBSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\radarss\\xwr68xx_radarss.bin")[00:15:39] [RadarAPI]: Downloading BSS ROM RPRC Binary..[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSFwVersion()[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: BSSFwVersion:( (22/08/19))[00:15:47] BSS FW Download Success[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadMSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\masterss\\xwr68xx_masterss.bin")[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: Downloading MSS RPRC Binary..[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetMSSFwVersion()[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: MSSFwVersion:( (27/08/19))[00:15:51] MSS FW Download Success[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: ar1.PowerOn(0, 1000, 0, 0)[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:51] MSS power up done async event received![00:15:51] Power On Success[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:52] Device Status : IWR6843/QM/SOP:2/ES:2[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.RfEnable()[00:15:53] BSS power up done async event received![00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetMSSFwVersion()[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: MSSFwVersion:( (27/08/19))[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSFwVersion()[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: BSSFwVersion:( (22/08/19))[00:15:54] RF Enable Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0)[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:54] ChanNAdcConfig Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0)[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:54] Regualar mode Cfg Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.RfInit()[00:15:54] RF Init async event received![00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Time stamp, Temperture: 1589,52; APLL Status, Update: 1, 0; SynthVCO1 Status, Update: 1, 1; SynthVCO2 Status, Update: 1, 1; LODist Status, Update: 1, 1; RxADCDC Status, Update: 0, 0; HPFcutoff Status, Update: 0, 0; LPFcutoff Status, Update: 0, 0; PeakDetector Status, Update: 0, 0; TxPower Status, Update: 0, 0; RxGain Status, Update: 0, 0; TxPhase Status, Update: 0, 0; RxIQMM Status, Update: 0, 0; [00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:54] RfInit Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SetCalMonFreqLimitConfig(77,81)[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DataPathConfig(513, 1216644097, 0)[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:55] DataPathConfig Success[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] LvdsClkConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] LVDSLaneConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 100, 2, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 256, 4000, 0, 0, 48)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] ProfileConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] ChirpConfig Success[00:15:56] Test Source Already Disabled…!!![00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DisableTestSource(0)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.FrameConfig(0, 0, 7500, 2, 4, 0, 0, 1)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] FrameConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000")[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] SelectCaptureDevice Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "c:22:38:4e:5a:c", 4096, 4098)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga_version command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] [00:15:57] FPGA Version : 2.8 [Record][00:15:57] [00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success[00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(25)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending record command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] Configure Record command : Success[00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin", 1)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending start_record command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:16:08] [RadarAPI]: ar1.StartFrame()[00:16:12] Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: ar1.StartMatlabPostProc("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin")[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: No of files Captured: 1, Total no of frames for each device : 7500[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: Error: [00:16:50] [00:16:50] … MWMCR::EvaluateFunction error … [00:16:50] 28-Jun-2021 00:16:50: Incorrect number of samples. We expect 4096. However, we got 2048.,1,[00:16:50] Error in => process_adc_data.m at line 79.[00:16:50] [00:16:50] … Matlab M-code Stack Trace …[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Logging\log_status.m, name log_status, line 32.[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Processing_functions\read_adc_data.m, name read_adc_data_16xx, line 622.[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Processing_functions\read_adc_data.m, name read_adc_data, line 27.[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\MatlabPostPr\process_adc_data.m, name process_adc_data, line 79.[00:16:50] [00:16:50] [00:16:50] Trace:[00:16:50] 在 MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility.MWMCR.EvaluateFunction(String functionName, Int32 numArgsOut, Int32 numArgsIn, MWArray[] argsIn)[00:16:50] 在 MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility.MWMCR.EvaluateFunction(Int32 numArgsOut, String functionName, MWArray[] argsIn)[00:16:50] 在 MatlabPostProcGui.MatlabPostProcGUIClass.process_adc_data(MWArray adc_file_name, MWArray force_cont_stream_mode)[00:16:50] 在 AR1xController.frmAR1Main.iStartMtlabPostProc()[00:16:55] [00:16:55] ***Script completed successfully.***[15:25:18] RSTD.ShowLogFile()



Part Number:IWR6843

在使用IWR6843和DCA1000EVM连接采集原始数据时,ProfileConfig、ChirpConfig、FrameConfig都配置成功了,但是在运行[RadarAPI]: ar1.StartFrame()语句时,报了以下错误:Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT,然而当配置变为ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0),即更改chirp配置之前的数据后,有时可以正常允许。请问各位大佬有没有什么头绪,已经被这个问题困扰了很久了。


–BSS and MSS firmware downloadinfo = debug.getinfo(1,'S');file_path = (info.source);file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "@","");file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "BF.lua","");fw_path = file_path.."..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware"–Export bit operation filebitopfile = file_path.."\\".."bitoperations.lua"dofile(bitopfile)–Read part ID–This register address used to find part number for ES2 and ES3 devicesres, efusedevice = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE214, 0, 31)res, efuseES1device = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE210, 0, 31)efuseES2ES3Device = bit_and(efusedevice, 0x03FC0000)efuseES2ES3Device = bit_rshift(efuseES2ES3Device, 18)–if part number is zero then those are ES1 devices if(efuseES2ES3Device == 0) then if (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 0) then partId = 1243 elseif (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 1) then partId = 1443 else partId = 1642 endelseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE0 and (bit_and(efuseES1device, 3) == 2)) then partId = 6843 ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")–if part number is non-zero then those are ES12 and ES3 deviceselse if(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x20 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x21 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x80) then partId = 1243 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xA0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x40)then partId = 1443 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x60 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x61 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x04 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x62 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x67) then partId = 1642 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x66 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x01 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xC0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xC1) then partId = 1642 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0x70 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x71 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xD0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0x05) then partId = 1843 elseif(efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE0 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE1 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE2 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE3 or efuseES2ES3Device == 0xE4) then partId = 6843 ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G") else WriteToLog("Inavlid Device part number in ES2 and ES3 devices\n" ..partId) endend –ES versionres, ESVersion = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE218, 0, 31)ESVersion = bit_and(ESVersion, 15)–ADC_Data file pathdata_path = file_path.."..\\PostProc"adc_data_path = data_path.."\\adc_data.bin"– Download Firmwareif(partId == 1642) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr16xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr16xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 1243) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 1443) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 1843) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr18xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr18xx_masterss.bin"elseif(partId == 6843) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr68xx_radarss.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr68xx_masterss.bin"else WriteToLog("Invalid Device partId FW\n" ..partId) WriteToLog("Invalid Device ESVersion\n" ..ESVersion)end– Download BSS Firmware—————————— CONFIGURATIONS ———————————— Use "DCA1000" for working with DCA1000if (ar1.DownloadBSSFw(BSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("BSS FW Download Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("BSS FW Download failure\n", "red")end– Download MSS Firmwareif (ar1.DownloadMSSFw(MSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("MSS FW Download Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("MSS FW Download failure\n", "red")end– SPI Connectif (ar1.PowerOn(1, 1000, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Power On Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("Power On failure\n", "red")end– RF Power UPif (ar1.RfEnable() == 0) then WriteToLog("RF Enable Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("RF Enable failure\n", "red")endif (ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig failure\n", "red")endif (partId == 1642) then if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("LPModConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LPModConfig failure\n", "red") endelse if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg failure\n", "red") endendif (ar1.RfInit() == 0) then WriteToLog("RfInit Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("RfInit failure\n", "red")endar1.SetCalMonFreqLimitConfig(77,81)RSTD.Sleep(1000)if (ar1.DataPathConfig(513, 1216644097, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("DataPathConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("DataPathConfig failure\n", "red")endif (ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig failure\n", "red")endif((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843) or (partId == 6843)) then if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red") endelseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red") endend–[[if (ar1.SetTestSource(4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -327, 0, -327, 327, 327, 327, -2.5, 327, 327, 0, 0, 0, 0, -327, 0, -327, 327, 327, 327, -95, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Test Source Configuration Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("Test Source Configuration failure\n", "red")end]]if((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843)) then — if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") endelseif((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 100, 6, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29.982, 0, 128, 3000, 0, 0, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") endelseif(partId == 6843) then if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 200, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 0, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 52) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") endendif (ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) == 0) then WriteToLog("ChirpConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("ChirpConfig failure\n", "red")end–[[if (ar1.EnableTestSource(1) == 0) then WriteToLog("Enabling Test Source Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("Enabling Test Source failure\n", "red")end]]if (ar1.FrameConfig(0,0,7500,2,4,0,0,1) == 0) then WriteToLog("FrameConfig Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("FrameConfig failure\n", "red")end– select Device typeif (ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000") == 0) then WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice failure\n", "red")end–DATA CAPTURE CARD APIif (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "12:34:56:78:90:12", 4096, 4098) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit failure\n", "red")end–AWR12xx or xWR14xx-1, xWR16xx or xWR18xx or xWR68xx- 2 (second parameter indicates the device type)if ((partId == 1642) or (partId == 1843) or (partId == 6843)) then if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red") endelseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red") endendif (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(25) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success\n", "green")else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay failure\n", "red")endadc_data_path="C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin"socket = require("socket")–for i = 21,24,1 –Count 10 11 12–do–Start Record ADC data–DCA STARTar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord(adc_data_path, 1)RSTD.Sleep(10500) –1500/2500–Trigger framet = socket.gettime()ar1.StartFrame()detNam = "D:\\RadarRawData\\TEST\\20210610\\"..tostring(t)..".bin"RSTD.Sleep(38000) — 19500/6500–ar1.StartMatlabPostProc("E:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0_raw0.bin")ar1.StartMatlabPostProc(adc_data_path)RSTD.Sleep(3500)– 3500/1500–Move file from scr to DetscrNam = "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin"os.rename(scrNam,detNam)–endRSTD.Sleep(2000)–end日志如下:GM: ConstructorGM: Mon Jun 28 00:10:47 2021RSTD.Transmit("/Settings")[00:10:47] [00:10:47] ### Running Startup script: "C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\mmWaveStudio\Scripts\Startup.lua" ###[00:10:47] RSTD.SetAndTransmit ("/Settings/Scripter/Display DateTime" , "1")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetAndTransmit ("/Settings/Scripter/DateTime Format" , "HH:mm:ss")[00:10:47] Scripter ignored: Attempt to UnBuild() again or before Build.[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/Dll" , "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Clients\\\\LabClient.dll")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/Use" , "TRUE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 1/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 2/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 3/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 4/Use" , "FALSE")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AL Client/AL Dll" , "C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\RunTime\\SAL.dll")[00:10:47] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Clients/Client 0/GuiDll" , "")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AutoUpdate/Enabled" , "TRUE")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/AutoUpdate/Interval" , "1")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Monitors/UpdateDisplay" , "TRUE")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Monitors/OneClickStart" , "TRUE")[00:10:48] RSTD.SetVar ("/Settings/Automation/Automation Mode" , "false")[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")[00:10:48] RSTD.SaveSettings(): Settings saved to "C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\config.xml"[00:10:48] RSTD.Build()[00:10:48] RSTD.SaveSettings(): Settings saved to "C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\config.xml"[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_Build()[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_LoadXml()[00:10:48] RSTD.Transmit("/")[00:10:48] RSTD.AL_Init()[00:10:48] RSTD.Clients_Build()[00:10:48] GM: Init[00:10:48] GM: Loaded 'C:\ti\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\mmWaveStudio\Clients\\LabClient.dll'[00:10:48] GM: 1 Guest (s) init[00:10:48] GM: 1 Module(s) init[00:10:48] GM: 2 Tab (s) init[00:10:48] RSTD.Client_LoadXml()[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectRadarMode(0)[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:10:48] Matlab Runtime Engine is installed[00:10:48] [RadarAPI]: Starting Matlab Engine..[00:10:52] [RadarAPI]: Matlab Engine Started![00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectCascadeMode(0)[00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:10:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LoadSettings('C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')[00:10:54] TESTING = false[00:10:54] RstdNet: Port 2777: Listening..[00:10:54] [00:10:54] ***Script completed successfully.***[00:15:27] [RadarAPI]: Opening Gpio Control Port()[00:15:27] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:28] [RadarAPI]: Opening Board Control Port()[00:15:28] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:29] [RadarAPI]: ar1.FullReset()[00:15:29] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Closing Board Control Port()[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Closing Gpio Control Port()[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SOPControl(2)[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:30] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Connect(19,921600,1000)[00:15:33] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Connected with baudrate 115200[00:15:34] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Disconnected existing BaudRate[00:15:34] [RadarAPI]: Warning: Trying to connect with baudrate 921600[00:15:35] [RadarAPI]: ar1.Calling_IsConnected()[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:37] Device Status : IWR6843/QM/SOP:2/ES:2[00:15:37] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SaveSettings('C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe214, 0, 31)[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe210, 0, 31)[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.frequencyBandSelection("60G")[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe218, 0, 31)[00:15:38] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadBSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\radarss\\xwr68xx_radarss.bin")[00:15:39] [RadarAPI]: Downloading BSS ROM RPRC Binary..[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSFwVersion()[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: BSSFwVersion:( (22/08/19))[00:15:47] BSS FW Download Success[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DownloadMSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\masterss\\xwr68xx_masterss.bin")[00:15:47] [RadarAPI]: Downloading MSS RPRC Binary..[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetMSSFwVersion()[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: MSSFwVersion:( (27/08/19))[00:15:51] MSS FW Download Success[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: ar1.PowerOn(0, 1000, 0, 0)[00:15:51] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:51] MSS power up done async event received![00:15:51] Power On Success[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectChipVersion("IWR6843")[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:52] Device Status : IWR6843/QM/SOP:2/ES:2[00:15:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.RfEnable()[00:15:53] BSS power up done async event received![00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetMSSFwVersion()[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: MSSFwVersion:( (27/08/19))[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: ar1.GetBSSFwVersion()[00:15:53] [RadarAPI]: BSSFwVersion:( (22/08/19))[00:15:54] RF Enable Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0)[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:54] ChanNAdcConfig Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0)[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:54] Regualar mode Cfg Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.RfInit()[00:15:54] RF Init async event received![00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Time stamp, Temperture: 1589,52; APLL Status, Update: 1, 0; SynthVCO1 Status, Update: 1, 1; SynthVCO2 Status, Update: 1, 1; LODist Status, Update: 1, 1; RxADCDC Status, Update: 0, 0; HPFcutoff Status, Update: 0, 0; LPFcutoff Status, Update: 0, 0; PeakDetector Status, Update: 0, 0; TxPower Status, Update: 0, 0; RxGain Status, Update: 0, 0; TxPhase Status, Update: 0, 0; RxIQMM Status, Update: 0, 0; [00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:54] RfInit Success[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SetCalMonFreqLimitConfig(77,81)[00:15:54] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DataPathConfig(513, 1216644097, 0)[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:55] DataPathConfig Success[00:15:55] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] LvdsClkConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] LVDSLaneConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 60, 100, 2, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 256, 4000, 0, 0, 48)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] ProfileConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] ChirpConfig Success[00:15:56] Test Source Already Disabled…!!![00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.DisableTestSource(0)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.FrameConfig(0, 0, 7500, 2, 4, 0, 0, 1)[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] FrameConfig Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000")[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:15:56] SelectCaptureDevice Success[00:15:56] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "c:22:38:4e:5a:c", 4096, 4098)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga_version command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] [00:15:57] FPGA Version : 2.8 [Record][00:15:57] [00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success[00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(25)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] FPGA Configuration command : Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending record command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: [00:15:57] Configure Record command : Success[00:15:57] CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: ar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin", 1)[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Sending start_record command to DCA1000[00:15:57] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed[00:16:08] [RadarAPI]: ar1.StartFrame()[00:16:12] Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: ar1.StartMatlabPostProc("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\PostProc\\adc_data0.bin")[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: No of files Captured: 1, Total no of frames for each device : 7500[00:16:50] [RadarAPI]: Error: [00:16:50] [00:16:50] … MWMCR::EvaluateFunction error … [00:16:50] 28-Jun-2021 00:16:50: Incorrect number of samples. We expect 4096. However, we got 2048.,1,[00:16:50] Error in => process_adc_data.m at line 79.[00:16:50] [00:16:50] … Matlab M-code Stack Trace …[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Logging\log_status.m, name log_status, line 32.[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Processing_functions\read_adc_data.m, name read_adc_data_16xx, line 622.[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\Processing_functions\read_adc_data.m, name read_adc_data, line 27.[00:16:50] at[00:16:50] file C:\Users\jianpu\AppData\Local\Temp\jianpu\mcrCache8.5.1\Matlab0\MatlabPostPr\process_adc_data.m, name process_adc_data, line 79.[00:16:50] [00:16:50] [00:16:50] Trace:[00:16:50] 在 MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility.MWMCR.EvaluateFunction(String functionName, Int32 numArgsOut, Int32 numArgsIn, MWArray[] argsIn)[00:16:50] 在 MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Utility.MWMCR.EvaluateFunction(Int32 numArgsOut, String functionName, MWArray[] argsIn)[00:16:50] 在 MatlabPostProcGui.MatlabPostProcGUIClass.process_adc_data(MWArray adc_file_name, MWArray force_cont_stream_mode)[00:16:50] 在 AR1xController.frmAR1Main.iStartMtlabPostProc()[00:16:55] [00:16:55] ***Script completed successfully.***[15:25:18] RSTD.ShowLogFile()





Chris Meng:


错误看起来是sensor start的命令没有正确的响应。


未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » IWR6843: 使用DCA1000EVM与IWR6843,允许LUA脚本获取雷达原始中频信号,报错:Status: Failed, Error Type: RESP TIMEOUT
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