
TLV320AIC3101 上电后 配置寄存器通路 ,有时能通有时不能通,并且只有小概率是通的

Other Parts Discussed in Thread:TLV320AIC3101

    调试 TLV320AIC3101时碰到如下问题:
    机器每次重启后,使用以下tinymix命令打开HPLOUT / HPROUT通路(LEFT_LOP/M  和  RIGHT_LOP/M 情况也一样),然后用tinyplay播放48 KHZ 1k-0db的音频文件,有时会有声音,有时没有声音,比较两种情况下codec寄存器是完全相同的(参见附录reg-tinymix.txt)用示波器测量两种情况下 各个CLK和 电源 也相同(播放时DIN 也有信号)频率及电压如下:
DVDD: 1.8V

tinymix "PCM Playback Volume" 100 100
tinymix "Left HP Mixer DACR1 Playback Volume" 100
tinymix "Right HP Mixer DACL1 Playback Volume" 100
tinymix "HP DAC Playback Volume" 100 100
tinymix "HP Playback Switch" 1 1
tinymix "Right HP Mixer DACR1 Switch" 1
tinymix "Left HP Mixer DACR1 Switch" 1
tinymix "Right HP Mixer DACL1 Switch" 1
tinymix "Left HP Mixer DACL1 Switch" 1

console:/ # cat /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/1-0018/registers 
00: 00
01: 00
02: 00
03: 10
04: 04
05: 00
06: 00
07: 0a
08: 00
09: 00
0a: 00
0b: 01
0c: 00
0d: 00
0e: 00
0f: 20
10: 20
11: ff
12: ff
13: 00
14: 78
15: 78
16: 00
17: 78
18: 78
19: 00
1a: 00
1b: fe
1c: 00
1d: 00
1e: fe
1f: 00
20: 18
21: 18
22: 00
23: 00
24: 00
25: c0
26: 00
27: 00
28: 00
29: 00
2a: 00
2b: 1b
2c: 1b
2d: 2f
2e: 2f
2f: 92
30: 00
31: 00
32: 92
33: 0d
34: 2f
35: 2f
36: af
37: 00
38: 00
39: 00
3a: 0d
3b: 00
3c: 00
3d: 92
3e: 2f
3f: 2f
40: 92
41: 0d
42: 00
43: 00
44: 00
45: 2f
46: 2f
47: af
48: 0d
49: 2f
4a: 2f
4b: af
4c: 2f
4d: 2f
4e: af
4f: 09
50: 2f
51: 2f
52: af
53: 00
54: 00
55: 00
56: 09
57: 00
58: 00
59: 00
5a: 2f
5b: 2f
5c: af
5d: 09
5e: 00
5f: 00
60: 00
61: 00
62: 00
63: 00
64: 00
65: 01
66: 02
67: 00
68: 00
69: 00
6a: 00
6b: 00
6c: 00
6d: 00

console:/ # tinymix
Mixer name: 'rockchip,tlv320aic3x-codec'
Number of controls: 110

0INT1Left Line Mixer Line2R Bypass Volume118
1INT1Right Line Mixer Line2L Bypass Volume118
2INT1Left HP Mixer Line2R Bypass Volume118
3INT1Right HP Mixer Line2L Bypass Volume118
4INT1Left HPCOM Mixer Line2R Bypass Volume118
5INT1Right HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass Volume118
6INT2Line Line2 Bypass Volume71 71
7INT2HP Line2 Bypass Volume71 71
8INT2HPCOM Line2 Bypass Volume71 71
9INT2Mono Line2 Bypass Volume71 71
10INT2Mono PGA Bypass Volume71 71
11INT2Mono DAC Playback Volume71 71
12BOOL1Mono Playback SwitchOn
13INT2PCM Playback Volume100 100
14INT1Left Line Mixer PGAR Bypass Volume118
15INT1Left Line Mixer DACR1 Playback Volume118
16INT1Right Line Mixer PGAL Bypass Volume118
17INT1Right Line Mixer DACL1 Playback Volume118
18INT1Left HP Mixer PGAR Bypass Volume118
19INT1Left HP Mixer DACR1 Playback Volume100
20INT1Right HP Mixer PGAL Bypass Volume118
21INT1Right HP Mixer DACL1 Playback Volume100
22INT1Left HPCOM Mixer PGAR Bypass Volume118
23INT1Left HPCOM Mixer DACR1 Playback Volume118
24INT1Right HPCOM Mixer PGAL Bypass Volume118
25INT1Right HPCOM Mixer DACL1 Playback Volume  118
26INT2Line PGA Bypass Volume71 71
27INT2Line DAC Playback Volume71 71
28INT2HP PGA Bypass Volume71 71
29INT2HP DAC Playback Volume100 100
30INT2HPCOM PGA Bypass Volume71 71
31INT2HPCOM DAC Playback Volume71 71
32BOOL2Line Playback SwitchOn On
33BOOL2HP Playback SwitchOn On
34BOOL2HPCOM Playback SwitchOn On
35BOOL2AGC SwitchOff Off
36ENUM1Left AGC Target level-5.5dB
37ENUM1Right AGC Target level-5.5dB
38ENUM1Left AGC Attack time8ms
39ENUM1Right AGC Attack time8ms
40ENUM1Left AGC Decay time100ms
41ENUM1Right AGC Decay time100ms
42BOOL2De-emphasis SwitchOff Off
43INT2PGA Capture Volume32 32
44BOOL2PGA Capture SwitchOn On
45ENUM2ADC HPF Cut-offDisabled Disabled
46ENUM1Output Driver Power-On time0us
47ENUM1Output Driver Ramp-up step0ms
49ENUM1Left HPCOM Muxdifferential of HPLOUT
50ENUM1Right DAC MuxDAC_R1
51ENUM1Right HPCOM Muxdifferential of HPROUT
52ENUM1Left Line1L Muxsingle-ended
53ENUM1Left Line1R Muxsingle-ended
54ENUM1Right Line1L Muxsingle-ended
55ENUM1Right Line1R Muxsingle-ended
56BOOL1Left PGA Mixer Line1L SwitchOn
57BOOL1Left PGA Mixer Line1R SwitchOff
58BOOL1Left PGA Mixer Line2L SwitchOff
59BOOL1Left PGA Mixer Mic3L SwitchOff
60BOOL1Left PGA Mixer Mic3R SwitchOff
61ENUM1Left Line2L Muxsingle-ended
62BOOL1Right PGA Mixer Line1R SwitchOn
63BOOL1Right PGA Mixer Line1L SwitchOff
64BOOL1Right PGA Mixer Line2R SwitchOff
65BOOL1Right PGA Mixer Mic3L SwitchOff
66BOOL1Right PGA Mixer Mic3R SwitchOff
67ENUM1Right Line2R Muxsingle-ended
68BOOL1Left Line Mixer PGAL Bypass SwitchOff
69BOOL1Left Line Mixer DACL1 SwitchOn
70BOOL1Left Line Mixer PGAR Bypass SwitchOff
71BOOL1Left Line Mixer DACR1 SwitchOff
72BOOL1Left Line Mixer Line2L Bypass SwitchOff
73BOOL1Left Line Mixer Line2R Bypass SwitchOff
74BOOL1Right Line Mixer PGAL Bypass SwitchOff
75BOOL1Right Line Mixer DACL1 SwitchOff
76BOOL1Right Line Mixer PGAR Bypass SwitchOff
77BOOL1Right Line Mixer DACR1 SwitchOn
78BOOL1Right Line Mixer Line2L Bypass SwitchOff
79BOOL1Right Line Mixer Line2R Bypass SwitchOff
80BOOL1Left HP Mixer PGAL Bypass SwitchOff
81BOOL1Left HP Mixer DACL1 SwitchOn
82BOOL1Left HP Mixer PGAR Bypass SwitchOff
83BOOL1Left HP Mixer DACR1 SwitchOn
84BOOL1Left HP Mixer Line2L Bypass SwitchOff
85BOOL1Left HP Mixer Line2R Bypass SwitchOff
86BOOL1Right HP Mixer PGAL Bypass SwitchOff
87BOOL1Right HP Mixer DACL1 SwitchOn
88BOOL1Right HP Mixer PGAR Bypass SwitchOff
89BOOL1Right HP Mixer DACR1 SwitchOn
90BOOL1Right HP Mixer Line2L Bypass SwitchOff
91BOOL1Right HP Mixer Line2R Bypass SwitchOff
92BOOL1Left HPCOM Mixer PGAL Bypass SwitchOff
93BOOL1Left HPCOM Mixer DACL1 SwitchOn
94BOOL1Left HPCOM Mixer PGAR Bypass SwitchOff
95BOOL1Left HPCOM Mixer DACR1 SwitchOff
96BOOL1Left HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass SwitchOff
97BOOL1Left HPCOM Mixer Line2R Bypass SwitchOff
98BOOL1Right HPCOM Mixer PGAL Bypass SwitchOff
99BOOL1Right HPCOM Mixer DACL1 SwitchOff
100BOOL1Right HPCOM Mixer PGAR Bypass SwitchOff
101BOOL1Right HPCOM Mixer DACR1 SwitchOn
102BOOL1Right HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass SwitchOff
103BOOL1Right HPCOM Mixer Line2R Bypass SwitchOff
104BOOL1Mono Mixer Line2L Bypass SwitchOff
105BOOL1Mono Mixer PGAL Bypass SwitchOff
106BOOL1Mono Mixer DACL1 SwitchOn
107BOOL1Mono Mixer Line2R Bypass SwitchOff
108BOOL1Mono Mixer PGAR Bypass SwitchOff
109BOOL1Mono Mixer DACR1 SwitchOn


Kailyn Chen:

您好,电源上电时序没问题,上电时,需要hardware reset,保证所有寄存器都是默认值,等电压起来稳定之后,再将reset拉高。






Kailyn Chen:

合理的上电时序是,等所有电源达到它们的电压值之后,reset信号至少再保持低电平10ns然后将其拉高。 可以用示波器监测reset和电源电压的上电时序。 请验证。





Kailyn Chen:


未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » TLV320AIC3101 上电后 配置寄存器通路 ,有时能通有时不能通,并且只有小概率是通的
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