Part Number:TMS320F28377D
ccs10, 28377d,XDS200仿真器,Test connection成功,connect target失败,报错信息如下:
C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Reading Register ST1: (Error -1041 @ 0x5F453) The debug probe reported an error. Confirm debug probe configuration and connections, reset the debug probe, and retry the operation. (Emulation package GEL: Error while executing OnTargetConnect(): Target failed to read register ST1
at (ST1&~(0x0100)) [f28377d_cpu1.gel:312]
at C28x_Mode() [f28377d_cpu1.gel:88]
at OnTargetConnect()
C28xx_CPU1: Error initializing flash programming: Interface returned from dll, but flash is not available on this device.
C28xx_CPU1: Breakpoint Manager: Error enabling this function: ACU_SEL Register write failed
C28xx_CPU1: Error: (Error -1135 @ 0x822A7) The debug probe reported an error. Confirm debug probe configuration and connections, reset the debug probe, and retry the operation. (Emulation package Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts
C28xx_CPU1: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging
Green Deng: