我正在使用simplelink cc13x0 4.10的SDK ,我想问一下关于m3Hwi.excHandlerFunc默认等于NULL时,当硬件遇到问题,是不是就会自动跳转到一个while循环里面?
Kevin Qiu1:
/*!* @briefTIRTOS HWI Handler.The name of this function is set to*M3Hwi.excHandlerFunc in app.cfg, you can disable this by*setting it to null.** @paramexcStack – TIROS variable* @paramlr – TIROS variable*/
xdc_Void Main_excHandler(UInt *excStack, UInt lr)
{/* User defined function */Main_assertHandler(MAIN_ASSERT_HWI_TIRTOS);
ruimao cong:
回复 Kevin Qiu1:
*- Hwi.excHandlerFunc = null*This is the most aggressive option for code footprint savings; but it*can difficult to debug exceptions. It reduces flash footprint by*plugging in a default while(1) trap when exception occur. This option*does not raise an error with the Error module.
Kevin Qiu1:
回复 ruimao cong:
ruimao cong:
回复 Kevin Qiu1:
1、一般是哪些问题会进入这些函数呢? 2、还有其他的异常处理的函数 会进入while的吗?我这边1310的电池设备,有些会莫名消耗完电池电量,不知道是不是跑到这些while里面了? 3、Error是处理哪些问题的?
Kevin Qiu1:
回复 ruimao cong:
Cortex-M3/M4 Exception ManagementThe Cortex-M exception module uses System_printf() to send useful information about an exception.This is useful when debugging, but it uses some code and data space. If you set M3Hwi.excHandler to“null”, the exception module will simply spin in an infinite loop when an exception occurs.if ((Program.build.target.name == "M3") ||(Program.build.target.name == "M4") ||(Program.build.target.name == "M4F")) {M3Hwi = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.family.arm.m3.Hwi');M3Hwi.excHandlerFunc = null;
ruimao cong:
回复 Kevin Qiu1:
只改了application部分的内容,我这边1000个板子焊上电池,长期静置测试下来没有问题,但是装进外壳 灌上密封胶就会出现有部分电池没电的问题,板子取出来测试是好的,,,现在一直找不到问题点,不知道是不是出现什么异常进入了这个循环里面?内存溢出会进入这个循环吗?
Kevin Qiu1:
回复 ruimao cong:
ruimao cong:
回复 Kevin Qiu1:
外壳是塑料的,装进外壳,灌好胶之后 测试是没问题的,使用了一段时间就会有这个问题,那有哪些问题才会进入这个循环呢?
Kevin Qiu1:
回复 ruimao cong:
ruimao cong:
回复 Kevin Qiu1:
未装进外壳测试 没问题,没用过launchpad。