
TMS320F2808 PWM模块中下面的理解


The specified condition on the pins is automatically cleared when the ePWM time-base counter reaches zero (TBCTR = 0x0000) if the trip condition is no longer present. The condition on the pins is only cleared when the TBCTR = 0x0000 no matter where in the cycle the CBC flag is cleared.



One Shot是TZ保护信号出现则彻底关断PWM输出,在保护信号撤除以后,需要软件清除掉TZ保护寄存器相应标志后,PWM才会继续输出。


The specified condition on the pins is automatically cleared when the ePWM time-base counter reaches zero (TBCTR = 0x0000) if the trip condition is no longer present. The condition on the pins is only cleared when the TBCTR = 0x0000 no matter where in the cycle the CBC flag is cleared.

Harry xie1:

回复 Forrest:

老师,还是有点不明白cycle-by-cycle 和 one-shot trip event 


a、The trip-zone signals at pins TZ1 to TZ6 (also collectively referred to as TZn) are active low input signals.When one of these pins goes low, it indicates that a trip event has occurred.

b、Each TZn input can be individually configured to provide either a cycle-by-cycle or one-shot trip event for a ePWM module. The configuration is determined by the TZSEL[CBCn] and TZSEL[OSHTn] control bits (where n corresponds to the trip pin) respectively.

c、The specified condition on the pins is automatically cleared when the ePWM time-base counter reaches zero (TBCTR = 0x0000) if the trip event is no longer present. Therefore, in this mode, the trip event is cleared or reset every PWM cycle.

就是每个TZn引脚可以配置成提供cycle-by-cycle 和 one-shot trip event 


1.从提供的资料a和b中,a cycle-by-cycle or one-shot trip event各自产生的条件是什么?除了配置TZSEL[CBCn] and TZSEL[OSHTn]之外,还有TZn引脚输入有什么区别才会产生不同的故障事件?

我是这样想的:one-shot trip event 就是TZn引脚有一个低电平脉冲就产生一个one-shot trip event(符合产生条件);而Tzn引脚必须一连串周期低电平有效脉冲才会产生?

2.从提供的资料c中,我们可以知道:如果a cycle-by-cycle trip event不存在,这个不存在的条件是什么?

   当TBCTR = 0x0000时,The specified condition on the pins is automatically cleared.我对这个引脚上“specified condition”不明白,指的是哪个引脚?是TZn引脚吗?是指引脚的什么特定条件?对这个自动清除也不明白,自动清除什么?是清零吗?还是清除引脚产生周期事故的条件?

在这个模式下,the trip event is cleared or reset every PWM cycle .周期事故事件在每个PWM周期下是怎样被清除或者置位的?


The specified condition on the pins is automatically cleared when the ePWM time-base counter reaches zero (TBCTR = 0x0000) if the trip condition is no longer present. The condition on the pins is only cleared when the TBCTR = 0x0000 no matter where in the cycle the CBC flag is cleared.

alisa song:

回复 Forrest:

请问跑epwm_trip_zone例程需要怎样设置Gpio 和初始化?我建立了一个工程把例程载入以后调试不能成功,请高手指点,谢谢。

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