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Star Xu:

您好,导入gg文件以后read all 读一下参数有没有更新,如果没有更新请确认是否正确写入。



您好,我发现导入csv文件后,只有红框的里的参数没有被修改,Write All后再Read All也是没有被修改。


Star Xu:

您好,写入的gg文件和当前的bqstudio 打开的固件版本是否相同?

您可以试一下在当前的BQstudio中导出一份gg文件,然后在data menory中修改一个calibration 的参数,再将gg文件写入,看一下参数是否被覆盖。



CC Gain,CC Delta, CC Offset,Board Offset这四个参数可以用bqstudio在data menory中直接修改?我尝试过CC Delta和 CC Offset不能直接修改。


Star Xu:


CC Gain, CC Delta, CC Offset, Board Offset这些参数正常情况不用修改,校正的时候会自动更新。



If you do not have a golden data flash file, then you can use these steps.
1、 Set the VOLTSEL bit in the Pack Configuration register.
2、 Program the Number of Series Cells.
3、 Calibrate the voltage, then temperature and then the current.
4、 Program the ChemID.
5、 Program any other parameters to customize your setup.
6、 Send the RESET command.
7、 Send the GAUGE_EN command to enable IT
8、 Run the optimization cycle.
9、 Save a gg.csv file and edit it with a text editor.
10、Change both Cycle Count parameters to 0 and Update Status to 02.
11、 Program the gauge with the default srec file.
12、 Program the ChemID.
13、 Load the saved gg.csv file and be sure to include the calibration data.
14、 Save a golden srec file to load into other packs.
You can use the Golden Image screen to save the golden srec or df.fs file.


Star Xu:


When you export the Data Memory, the calibration information is included along with all of the other data flash settings. This can be exported to a .gg.csv file or by using the Hex Dump button. 

When you import a .gg.csv file into BQStudio, it will normally not load the calibration data. This is in case you want to run calibration for each device individually. You can change this setting so that calibration can be imported with the following steps:

– Go to Window-> Preferences-> All Global Settings

– Click 'Show Advanced Views' and then click 'Apply'

– On the Data Memory screen, Select 'Import'-> 'Import from File (Advance)'

– Select your file. A window will pop up (Import Dialog). Click 'Configure Selection' in this window

– Here you can check the Calibration box so that calibration settings are also loaded when you import the file.






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