
TLV320AIC3104 EVM 和USB母板连接电脑有问题

TLV320AIC3104 EVM 和USB母板连接电脑有问题,一直提示连接USB。

Kailyn Chen:

1.Download the TLV320AIC310xEVM GUI: www.ti.com/…/slac249.
2.Then, run the setup file in order to install the GUI. If you have problems to install it, please try with the troubleshoot compatibility option.
3.Make sure that the TLV320AIC310xEVM and the USB-MODEVM INTERFACE have all the jumpers on the default position. Please, consult the EVM User's Guide for more information.
4.Connect the EVM to the PC.
5.Open the computer manager in order to review if the device has been recognized or not.
6. If not, download the NI-VISA drivers. Select the device and install the drivers.

jie wang5:

回复 Kailyn Chen:

非常感谢,之前用过NI的其它产品,查看设备管理器成功识别了驱动,而且在NI VISA driver的时候显示已经装了,就以为不用装了,卸载之后,再装一次NI VISA driver就可以识别了(希望遇到同样问题的童鞋能够有所参照),thank you very much。

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