本人刚接触测距这一块,不是太懂,手里有一块TI OPT3101的评估板,上面是红外测距,OPT3101支持激光点对点测距吗?
Kailyn Chen:
Seasat Liu:
The OPT3101 device is a fully integrated analog front end (AFE) based on the time-of-flight (ToF) principle usingactive illumination. The OPT3101 AFE connects to an external illuminator (LED, VCSEL, or LASER) to transmitmodulated optical signals, and reflected signals are received by an external photodiode which connects to theinput of the AFE. The received signal is converted to amplitude and phase information by the AFE and depthengine. This output is stored in registers, which can be read out through the device I2C interface.