刚刚到货的IWR1642 boost EVM 上电及通过USB线接入PC电脑(PC 已经安装了官方mmwave_SDK、mmwave_uniflash,TI_xds110_setup),电脑显示驱动安装成功,但电脑“设备管理器” 中没有出现user guide 中的XDS100 COM端口(如下图1);只出现一个“Stellaris Device Firmware upgrade”(如图2), 导致uniflash失败
Updating the XDS110 Firmware
When using ccsv8.1.1 or ccsv8.1.0 with TI Emulators package version or newer, the firmware on the XDS110 is updated automatically when connecting from inside CCS.If manual updating or diagnostics is required, using a Windows host is highly recommended. Close any instances of CCS that are running in your system. Open a Windows Command Prompt and issue the following commands:
1. Go to the directory where the utility is installed:
C:>cd C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110
2. Run the configuration just to make sure a XDS110-class debugger is connected (or to list how many are connected) and what is the firmware revision installed on it:
C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -e
3. Put the XDS110 in DFU mode: C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -m
4. Run the updater, passing the firmware file and resetting the debug probe afterwards: C:\ti\ccsv8\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu -f firmware.bin -r
Fu Chen:
回复 xyz549040622:
安装TI邮件发过来的 XDS驱动包ti_emupack_setup_8.0.903.4_win_32后,依然没有成功,电脑依旧识别不到COM 口,尝试不同的3台电脑,依然如此
Fu Chen:
回复 Wesley He: