


Joey Mao:



Zhen Xie:

回复 Joey Mao:


0x3F9F00 ramfuncs_runstart, InitFlash0x3F9F00 2538 EC60 E26D E2B6 A347 5895 523A 7BBE CB320x3F9F09 B812 742C 2021 75AD 55DC 40B9 AC4E 6D1A A0F10x3F9F12 7AAA B838 747B


ramfuncs: LOAD = FLASHAB, PAGE = 0 /*RAML1*/RUN = SECURE_RAM, PAGE = 0


LOAD_START(_ramfuncs_loadstart), LOAD_END(_ramfuncs_loadend)


//======内存Flash初始化,调用memcpy=============================// memcpy(&ramfuncs_runstart,&ramfuncs_loadstart,&ramfuncs_loadend-&ramfuncs_loadstart); InitFlash();



(4)on-chip  FLASh的设置




回复 Zhen Xie:

检查下#pragma CODE_SECTION(InitFlash, "ramfuncs");


Zhen Xie:

回复 COS控:



void InitFlash(void){ EALLOW; //Enable Flash Pipeline mode to improve performance //of code executed from Flash. FlashRegs.FOPT.bit.ENPIPE = 1; // CAUTION //Minimum waitstates required for the flash operating //at a given CPU rate must be characterized by TI. //Refer to the datasheet for the latest information.

//Set the Random Waitstate for the Flash FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.RANDWAIT = 3;//最小值

//Set the Paged Waitstate for the Flash FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.PAGEWAIT = 3;//最小值 // CAUTION //Minimum cycles required to move between power states //at a given CPU rate must be characterized by TI. //Refer to the datasheet for the latest information. //For now use the default count //Set number of cycles to transition from sleep to standby FlashRegs.FSTDBYWAIT.bit.STDBYWAIT = 0x01FF; //Set number of cycles to transition from standby to active FlashRegs.FACTIVEWAIT.bit.ACTIVEWAIT = 0x01FF; EDIS;}


Joey Mao:

回复 Zhen Xie:

如果代码和软件配置各方面没问题,就检查一下硬件,首先是boot mode的那几个脚,测试看看是不是配置成Flash启动模式,其次是复位电路是否正常工作


Zhen Xie:

回复 Joey Mao:




;//;// TMDX ALPHA RELEASE;// Intended for product evaluation purposes;//;//###########################################################################;//;// FILE: DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm;//;// TITLE: DSP28 Branch to code start.;//;//###########################################################################;//;// Ver | dd mmm yyyy | Who | Description of changes;// =====|=============|======|===============================================;// 0.58| 29 Jun 2002 | L.H. | Original Release;//###########################################################################

; Typically this section will be used to redirect code execution when using ; the boot mode "jump to Flash". It can also be used for "jump to H0" or ; "jump to OTP" modes.

; In this case, code needs to be re-directed to the C initilization routine; called _c_int00.

; If code execution should begin at a different location (for example in ; assembly code) then modify the branch to location and .ref statement for; the new location

.ref _c_int00 .sect "codestart" LB _c_int00


//// TMDX ALPHA RELEASE// Intended for product evaluation purposes////###########################################################################//// FILE: DSP28_SysCtrl.c//// TITLE: DSP28 Device System Control Initialization & Support Functions.////###########################################################################//// Ver | dd mmm yyyy | Who | Description of changes// =====|=============|======|===============================================// 0.55| 06 May 2002 | L.H. | EzDSP Alpha Release// 0.56| 20 May 2002 | L.H. | No change// 0.57| 24 May 2002 | L.H. | Added initialization of RAM control registers// | | | for TMX samples.// 0.58| 29 Jun 2002 | L.H. | Added InitFlash function. Must be run from RAM//###########################################################################

#include "DSP28_Device.h"

// Functions that will be run from RAM need to be assigned to // a different section. This section will then be mapped using// the linker cmd file.#pragma CODE_SECTION(InitFlash, "ramfuncs");//—————————————————————————// InitSysCtrl: //—————————————————————————// This function initializes the System Control registers to a known state.//

void InitSysCtrl(void){ Uint16 i; EALLOW; //======用于TMX系列产品,对于TMS320F2812来说,无用================// DevEmuRegs.M0RAMDFT = 0x0300; DevEmuRegs.M1RAMDFT = 0x0300; DevEmuRegs.L0RAMDFT = 0x0300; DevEmuRegs.L1RAMDFT = 0x0300; DevEmuRegs.H0RAMDFT = 0x0300; //======禁看门狗=============================================// SysCtrlRegs.WDCR= 0x0068; //0x00AF;

//======晶振20MHz,PLL倍频10/2=5倍,系统时钟100MHz===============// SysCtrlRegs.PLLCR = 0xa; for(i= 0; i< 5000; i++){}

//======高速外设100MHz,低速外设25MHz============================// SysCtrlRegs.HISPCP.all = 0x0000; SysCtrlRegs.LOSPCP.all = 0x0002;

//======对相关外设时钟使能,事件管理器A和B,SCIA,CAN通讯,AD采样======// SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.EVAENCLK=1; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.EVBENCLK=1; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.SCIENCLKA=1; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.SCIENCLKB=0; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.MCBSPENCLK=0; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.SPIENCLK=0; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.ECANENCLK=1; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR.bit.ADCENCLK=1; EDIS; }

// This function initializes the Flash Control registers

// CAUTION // This function MUST be executed out of RAM. Executing it// out of OTP/Flash will yield unpredictable results

void InitFlash(void){ EALLOW; //Enable Flash Pipeline mode to improve performance //of code executed from Flash. FlashRegs.FOPT.bit.ENPIPE = 1; // CAUTION //Minimum waitstates required for the flash operating //at a given CPU rate must be characterized by TI. //Refer to the datasheet for the latest information.

//Set the Random Waitstate for the Flash FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.RANDWAIT = 3;//最小值

//Set the Paged Waitstate for the Flash FlashRegs.FBANKWAIT.bit.PAGEWAIT = 3;//最小值 // CAUTION //Minimum cycles required to move between power states //at a given CPU rate must be characterized by TI. //Refer to the datasheet for the latest information. //For now use the default count //Set number of cycles to transition from sleep to standby FlashRegs.FSTDBYWAIT.bit.STDBYWAIT = 0x01FF; //Set number of cycles to transition from standby to active FlashRegs.FACTIVEWAIT.bit.ACTIVEWAIT = 0x01FF; EDIS;}


jing liu:

有仿真器能仿真,脱机不能运行,这个最先检查的,看 GPIO 的 boot 模式设定是否正确;还有就是你的芯片供电是否充足,用示波器测运行中芯片的 3.3V 和 rst 脚。大部分都是这两个问题。我这两种情况都遇到过。

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