The system current can't get higher than 3A, both the 3.3V and the 5V chanel. My high side MOSFET is IRF7821, low side MOSFET is FDS6690AS and the inductance is 4.7uH.
Yao Chen,
1. What's the input voltage? it's should be larger than 5.5V anytime.
2. What.s the saturation current of the inductor? and what's the part number of Inductor?
yao chen:
回复 Trevor:
Vin=18V,I(sat)=18A,I(rms)=10A,part number is FEPI 1004H-4R7M-K01(made by tai teck).In addtion,my overcurrent setting is big enough.And I also have a Schottky diode in parallel with the low side MOSFET.
Johnsin Tao:
回复 yao chen: