UCC24610芯片在使用时如果将EN/TOFF PIN脚外挂电阻取到70-80KΩ之间,是否有什么特殊的用途
Zhengxing Li:
The voltage level on EN/TOFF also programs the EN/TOFF 2 I minimum off-time (TOFF) for the controlled MOSFET. EN/TOFF is internally driven by a two-level current source, so the voltage level on EN/TOFF can be set by connecting a resistor from EN/TOFFto GND.
lingyun ling:
回复 Zhengxing Li:
The data sheet of the chip describes that when REN / TOFF takes between 70-80KΩ, VEN switches between 1.4V-0.8V, that is to say this time the chip should be in the enable and disable switching state, but in the datasheet that is “For any 70 kΩ < REN/TOFF < 80 kΩ, VEN toggles rapidly between 1.4 V and 0.8 V and the device remains disabled. In this situation, average ICC is approximately half of the normal run-mode current, ICC(on).”.
If the device is disabled, then the VEN voltage should be stable.To enable VEN to switch quickly from 1.4V to 0.8V, the device should also be toggled between enabled and disabled states.How to understand the description here?
Thank you very much for your answer!