
BQ40Z50R1 learning cycle 过程中电池充满搁置超过12小时,update status不能更新为0x05



•Discharge battery to empty
–On the initial discharge, if IT is enabled, make sure to sent a reset to the gauge so that the [RUP_DIS] bit is set and resistance updates do not occur.
•Relax for 5 hours
–This relaxation time allows for a valid OCV reading to be taken and stored for the Qmax update. The valid OCV reading will occur when the dV/dt of the battery is < 1 uV/s.
–The [VOK] and [RUP_DIS] bits in the Control() register will clear once the gauge has taken an OCV reading and qualified it for a Qmax update.
–The 5 hour wait time is a recommendation, the most accurate time will be looking to see when the [VOK] and [RUP_DIS] bits are clear.
•Charge battery to full
–We typically recommend a C/2 charge rate
–Make sure IT is enabled at this point (the [QEN] bit in the Control() register should be set).
–At the start of charge, the [VOK] bit in the Control() register should set.
–At the end of charge the [FC] bit in the Flags() register should be set.
•Relax for 2 hours
–This relaxation time allows for a valid OCV reading to be taken and stored for the Qmax update. The valid OCV reading will occur when the dV/dt of the battery is < 1 uV/s.
–The [VOK] bit in the Control() register will clear once the gauge has taken an OCV reading and qualified it for a Qmax update.
–The 2 hour wait time is a recommendation, the most accurate time will be looking to see when the [VOK] and [RUP_DIS] bits are clear.
–At this point the first Qmax update should have occurred. Update Status should be at 0x01 for system-side gauges of 0x05 for pack-side gauges.
–Note that it takes less time for a battery to relax once it is fully charged than it does when it is discharged.
–Initial Qmax Update criteria:
•OCV point (dV/dt < 1 uV/s)
•At least 90 % passed charge
•OCV point (dV/dt < 1uV/s)
•Discharge battery to empty
–We typically recommend a C/5 rate, but the rate can be as low as C/10. If using a C/10 load, make sure the gauge sees that the current is at least C/10, if the current is any lower, resistance updates will not occur.
–During the discharge, the resistance table will be updated as each grid point is reached (the resistance table is stored in 15 grid points along the discharge curve).
•Relax for 5 hours
–This relaxation time allows for a valid OCV reading to be taken and stored for the Qmax update. The valid OCV reading will occur when the dV/dt of the battery is < 1 uV/s.
–The [VOK] bit in the Control() register will clear once the gauge has taken an OCV reading and qualified it for a Qmax update.
–The 5 hour wait time is a recommendation, the most accurate time will be looking to see when the [VOK] bit are clears.
–There is another Qmax update at this point because of the OCV reading taken in step 4 and then in step 5 there was at least 90 % passed charge and then during this step another OCV reading was taken.
–At this point Update Status should be at 0x02 for system-side gauges of 0x06 for pack-side gauges.

按上面的步骤,前面几步的条件都能达到,但是将电池0.5C充满,FC置1了,搁置超过了12小时,updata status还是0x04,并没有更新为0x05,请帮忙看下是什么原因,附件上传了GG文件和测试lGG file.rarog,




回复 user4384644:



回复 reverse_L0111:



回复 user4767631:

我也是update status没更新,所以操作都是正确的。请问你最后解决了吗。初始的Qmax设定值会有影响吗


回复 user5094321:


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