请问各位学者,我在电脑上安装了CCS5.4,打开某工程时候报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.2 compiler before inporting this progect ;
然后我又安装了CCS6.0,打开同样工程时候还是报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.5 compiler before inporting this progect ;
mangui zhang:
Which specific version of CCSv5 are you using? Are you sure the project you are importing is a "CCS project" and not a standard Eclipse project?
Are you able to import the same project through the CCS GUI rather than via command line? What versions of compilers do you see listed under Window->Preferences->Code Composer Studio->Build->Compilers? CCS 5.2.x should already have compiler v6.1.0 for C2000 and what that version I wouldn't expect this error to appear.
请问各位学者,我在电脑上安装了CCS5.4,打开某工程时候报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.2 compiler before inporting this progect ;
然后我又安装了CCS6.0,打开同样工程时候还是报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.5 compiler before inporting this progect ;
请问各位学者,我在电脑上安装了CCS5.4,打开某工程时候报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.2 compiler before inporting this progect ;
然后我又安装了CCS6.0,打开同样工程时候还是报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.5 compiler before inporting this progect ;
Chao Dai1:
回复 囧:
hi 囧
我想下载C2000v6.2,TI回复需要审核,可是我真的急用,在网上其他地方也没找到,能帮我下载一下吗,谢谢你啦! 1229789893@qq.com 或回复在帖子里也行 再次感谢
请问各位学者,我在电脑上安装了CCS5.4,打开某工程时候报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.2 compiler before inporting this progect ;
然后我又安装了CCS6.0,打开同样工程时候还是报错,信息为:please install the c2000v6.5 compiler before inporting this progect ;
Chao Dai1:
回复 囧:
hi囧 不用了 早上申请时换了个国家 下载下来了 谢谢